[comp.sys.apple2] info bar

acmfiu@serss0.fiu.edu (ACMFIU) (05/13/91)

another problem with the info bar.

when you click the upper left corner of the window (where that zoom thinkgy
is), the window resizes, but the rectangle of the info bar is still the same.
so, i went about figuring how to resize the rectangle. well, i decided to
handle TrackZoom myself and, after that was done, i did the following:
	GetZoomRect	(this would supposedly contain the new horizontal
			coordinates of the zoomed rectangle)
	GetMenuBar	(get handle to my information menu bar)
	GetRectInfo	(get the current info bar rectangle)
	xxx		(use the x1, x2 coordinates returned by GetZoomRect
			and put them in the menu bar rectangle)
	FixAppleMenu	(you *need* this to clean up the menu bar)

however, this doesn't seem to fix the problem. i am pretty sure i have to
change the rectangle of the menu bar. this i presume because i hardcoded
#640 as the right edge of the rectangle and things worked. the problem is
i get a vertical bar in the informat menu bar which i guess signals the end
of the menu bar. i need to move this vertical bar to the rightmost edge of
the window.

incidentally, when i try this same routine when i click again on the zoom
things (to go back to my size before zooming), i get two vertical bars, one
at the left edge and one on the right edge, both in about 15 pixels.
