[comp.sys.apple2] APW

jrowliso@ub.d.umn.edu (Isildur) (05/01/91)

I've been looking a long time for Apple //gs Programmer's Workshop.  I saw a
copy of 1.0B1 around somewhere, but I'm wondering where I can buy it from
because I'm starting to get into shells and have several books written for
use with APW.  If anyone knows, send it in mail to jrowliso@ub.d.umn.edu as I
don't get to read the net news very often.  Thanks.

ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com (Eric Mcgillicuddy) (05/03/91)

Apple has absolved itself of all responsiblity for native mode Apple II
development. Wanna program a GS? Get a Mac.

Anyhow, APW has been Orca since it began, today Byte Works has all
responsibility for the shell, they have effectively had the responsibility
since 1986. I don't know what version it is currently up to, but 2.0 this
summer rings a bell somewhere.

UUCP: bkj386!pnet91!ericmcg
INET: ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com

danw@hazel.hac.com (Dan White) (05/03/91)

In article <1240@ub.d.umn.edu>, jrowliso@ub.d.umn.edu (Isildur) writes:
|> I've been looking a long time for Apple //gs Programmer's Workshop.  I saw a
|> copy of 1.0B1 around somewhere, but I'm wondering where I can buy it from
|> because I'm starting to get into shells and have several books written for
|> use with APW.  If anyone knows, send it in mail to jrowliso@ub.d.umn.edu as I
|> don't get to read the net news very often.  Thanks.

	APW can only be had from APDA (which is under Apple's thumb).

	My suggestion is to buy the ORCA products from Byte Works. The Byte Works folks wrote APW to begin with, and ORCA is fully compatable - and better supported. By the way, I hope you have a large hard drive and a coupla meg of RAM if you are going to do development. I have a 60 meg drive and 3 meg on an AE GS-RAM Plus, and I sometimes stretch that. 

	Hope this helps.

	Share & Enjoy !

toddpw@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) (05/04/91)

ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com (Eric Mcgillicuddy) writes:

>Apple has absolved itself of all responsiblity for native mode Apple II
>development. Wanna program a GS? Get a Mac.

This is unfair to Apple, as I'm sure the Apple guys will be posting soon.

Parts of APW are officially owned by ByteWorks and licensed by Apple --
whenever they tried to develop APW it took forever because they had to
coordinate with ByteWorks about the changes and what was permissible
under the license.

MPW was developed internally at Apple and had no such restrictions, plus
they had lots of enterprising Mac programmers who wanted a decent programming
system with real shell commands :) so they worked long and hard on MPW without
anything holding them back.

Apple has finally given up trying to make APW reasonable, they recommend Orca
for native II development.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @ tybalt.caltech.edu

dlyons@Apple.COM (David A. Lyons) (05/04/91)

In article <1991May3.203535.20959@nntp-server.caltech.edu> toddpw@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) writes:
>Apple [...recommends] Orca for native II development.

I should point out that APDA (1-800-282-APDA) *does* provide a disk of
useful utilities for APW or ORCA.  Utilities like for dealing with resource
forks, for example.  I don't believe Duplicate, Rez, DeRez, and others are
available elsewhere (correct me if I'm wrong, please).
David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
Apple II System Software Engineer         |   P.O. Box 875
America Online: Dave Lyons                |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
GEnie:DAVE.LYONS  CompuServe:72177,3233 Internet:dlyons@apple.com

My opinions are my own, not Apple's.

ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com (Eric Mcgillicuddy) (05/06/91)

>>Apple has absolved itself of all responsiblity for native mode Apple II
>>development. Wanna program a GS? Get a Mac.
>Apple has finally given up trying to make APW reasonable, they recommend Orca
>for native II development.
>Todd Whitesel

My point is that they have not produced an alternative. APDA has a number of
utilties that run under the APW/Orca shell, and I have most of them, but they
are all a couple years old. Have all APW utilties been written? I think not. 

As near as I can tell (and I expect to be corrected), Apple is no longer
supporting APW in any form, no upgrades, no new utilities, no graphical
development environment called PTW (Prizm That Works). However there are MPW
products being developed, MPWGS C, Asm, whatnot. 

Is it too much to ask that MPWGS runs on a GS as well as a Mac?

UUCP: bkj386!pnet91!ericmcg
INET: ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com

dlyons@Apple.COM (David A. Lyons) (05/06/91)

In article <697@generic.UUCP> ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com (Eric Mcgillicuddy) writes:
>As near as I can tell (and I expect to be corrected), Apple is no longer
>supporting APW in any form, no upgrades, no new utilities, no graphical
>development environment called PTW (Prizm That Works). However there are MPW
>products being developed, MPWGS C, Asm, whatnot. 

I believe the utilities APDA offers for APW/ORCA vs. for MPW IIgs are very
similar, and will probably continue to be revised in parallel.  LinkIIgs,
RezIIgs/Rez, and CIIgs/C are extremely compatible.

David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
Apple II System Software Engineer         |   P.O. Box 875
America Online: Dave Lyons                |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
GEnie:DAVE.LYONS  CompuServe:72177,3233 Internet:dlyons@apple.com

My opinions are my own, not Apple's.

awillis@pro-angmar.UUCP (Albert Willis) (05/14/91)

In-Reply-To: message from jrowliso@ub.d.umn.edu

TO get APW, call 1-282-APDA and you may buy it. How's that for service?

Albert Willis
INET:  pro-angmar!awillis@alphalpha.com          | America Online: BCS Al
UUCP:..!uunet!alphalpha!pro-angmar!awillis       | GEnie: A.Willis