[comp.sys.apple2] Not Stellar 7

fadden@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Andy McFadden) (05/15/91)

Not Stellar 7 is now available on comp.binaries.apple2, tybalt.caltech.edu,
and [avalanche|tornado|headcrash].berkeley.edu.

It's the successor to Not Modulae, which is also available on the archive
sites mentioned above.  Briefly, it's a //gs-only demo similar to the classic
Apple II game "Stellar 7".


In other news, Not Modulae keeps getting faster:

Times for different versions of Not Modulae (latest released was v2.0):

Shape		v1.0	v2.0	v2.1 (still under development)

Cube		13.20	14.92	17.32
Bfr cube	13.57	14.00	16.12
2 cubes		9.76	10.60	12.18
Spaceship	13.91	15.03	18.75
Vibro-plane	10.90	11.99	14.45
A-team van	6.60	7.17	7.94
Cobra Mk III	10.89	10.94	12.76
Krait		12.91	13.25	15.75
Tunnel		5.08	5.24	5.71

(times are in frames/sec, with time measured in ticks for around 15 seconds)

I may hack the divide routine to get some extra speed for the bigger shapes...
it's not Modulae, but it's getting damn close for the smaller shapes.  Their
Eiffel Tower still blows my mind though.


The Alpha release of Arc3D is almost ready.  I need to finish the documentation
for it, and fix up some of the sample source code.  Other than that, it's about
ready to go.  In the mean time, please check out NS7 and tell me what you

fadden@cory.berkeley.edu (Andy McFadden)
fadden@hermes.berkeley.edu (when cory throws up)