[comp.sys.apple2] A GS Problem: Crashing into the monitor


This evening, for no apparent reason, nearly all of my GS programs (but not
the IIe programs) and about half of my NDAs are causing my system to crash.
Shrinkt-GS, Snowterm, ProSel-16 are all crashing at one time or another.
ProSel-16 runs, I was able to do a volume test and a Turbo mode optimization
of my HD, but when it tried to reboot at the end of the optimization, it
crashed. Snowterm boots but it crashes once its main menu appears. For
Snowterm, this is what the monitor shows:
00/AE19:   00    00     BRK 00
A=C01 X=00FF Y=00FF S=01F D=000 P=31 B=00 K=00 M=08 R=3E L=0 m=1 x=1 c=1

Until this evening, I have not had any problems. I am running a ROM3 GS with
a 40 M Innerdrive (partitioned half to the PCT and half to the GS), a AI
Juice Plus with 1 M, a 640K PCT; the PCT is in Slot 6. There are two 3.5
drives, one into the PCT, and the 5.25 which is inoperative because the PCT
uses slot 6. Oh yes, in addition to the fan in the Innerdrive, I also have
a Kensington System Saver.

Before this begin to happen, the GS had been on for 2 hours; I had been
downloading files on the PCT side.

Any thoughts, suggestions, recommendations would be appreciated!

Ray Waxmonsky (waxmonrw@snybufva)
Dept. of Geography
Buffalo State College