[comp.sys.apple2] Publish It! 3.0 and Transwarp conflict

rs.miller@pro-harvest.cts.com (Randy Miller) (05/19/91)

In-Reply-To: message from andreas@neabbs.UUCP

I have posted this message on AppleTech, as well as on GEnie 
I have come across a rather infuriating conflict between the Transwarp IIe 
and Publish It! 3.0 with neither AE or Timeworks have been able to answer. 
This is my configuration of my IIe 
Aux: Super Expander card with 1 meg memory (this is a knockoff of the
AE Ramworks card) 
1  PKASO-U card configured as an Epson APL interface. 
2  SMT Envoy Serial Card 
3  Transwarp IIe 
4  AppleMouse Card 
5  Universal Disk Controller 
6  Apple 5.25 disk controller 
7  Sider D2 HD Controller 
I also have a No-Slot Clock installed under ROM EF and is mapped to slot 3.
have also applied the Apricot patch (aka SmartWatch) to ProDOS 1.9.  When I

power up, the Transwarp is activated and everything is hunky-dory... 
UNTIL I GO INTO PUBLISH IT!  I only get as far as the title screen in 
Publish It! and immediately get bombed into the monitor.  They only way I 
can run Publish It! is to do the three finger salute, get into BASIC, do a 
POKE 49268,3 to disable the Transwarp (which immediately locks up the 
machine), then do another 3 finger salute back into my shell, then into 
COMBINATION IS INCOMPATIBLE?  I just get the standard answer from Timeworks

 (Duh!) and AE has yet to respond to the message I left on their bulletin 
board (I abolutely REFUSE to pay anyone $1.50/minute for support, 900 
number or otherwise!  I've worked support myself for more years than I care

to remember and have always felt that support was an integral part (albeit 
a money-losing one) of doing business.  I guess this is what happens when 
the f****** (insert your favorite f-word here) bean-counters take over... 
Randy Miller
Internet: rs.miller@pro-harvest.cts.com

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