[comp.sys.apple2] Three tiny questions....

sb@pnet91.cts.com (Stephen Brown) (05/07/91)

(a) Is Apple US still offering free upgrades from rev."A" IIe motherboards to
rev."B" IIe motherboards?

(b) When setting the SCSI ID number on a non-master device, this just
determines what is the startup device (ie. highest = startup), right? Isn't
everything on the SCSI bus basically in parallel, with 3 lines for selecting
one of 8 (%000 through %111) devices?

(c) Is the IIc Plus discontinued, or not? 


| Stephen Brown                           Toronto, Canada |
| Internet: sb@pnet91.cts.com      UUCP: utzoo!pnet91!sb  |
| Apple II Forever !!!                                    |
| Like my new .signature. ?    Too bad.                   |

mattd@Apple.COM (Matt Deatherage) (05/10/91)

In article <701@generic.UUCP> sb@pnet91.cts.com (Stephen Brown) writes:
>(a) Is Apple US still offering free upgrades from rev."A" IIe motherboards to
>rev."B" IIe motherboards?

Yes.  Although at most dealers, these upgrades take a lower priority than
repair work, so the upgrade may be delayed if there are no IIe motherboards
or IIe's in for repair work.  Your dealer can get more information on

>(c) Is the IIc Plus discontinued, or not? 
The IIc Plus was removed from the price list on November 15th, 1990.

>| Stephen Brown                           Toronto, Canada |
Matt Deatherage, Developer Technical  | The opinions expressed herein are
Support, Apple Computer, Inc.         | not those of Apple Computer, and
Personal mail only, please.  Thanks.  | shame on you for thinking otherwise.

granite@pro-merlin.cts.com (George 'Chip' Griffin) (05/19/91)

In-Reply-To: message from mattd@Apple.COM

WHY was the IIC+ discontinued ... ?