[comp.sys.apple2] VBL Interrupt Programming

reeder@reed.UUCP (Doug Reeder) (05/26/91)

    I am working on an assembly program that uses vertical blanking
interrupts. It works fine on IIc's and IIe's with mouse cards, but it
crashes badly when I try to run it on a gs.  It crashes immediately upon
running.  It's not a slot location problem, and I disable interrupts before
calling the mouse firmware.  It even works on an LC IIe emulator.  What
should I be looking for in the way of differences between VBL (and/or mouse
routines) on 8bit and  16bit machines?  I have consulted all of the Tech
notes listed in the index under the topic VBL.  Thanks for any help!

* this code is written in the ORCA/M dialect of 65C02 assembler and is
* a fragment, not a complete program.

ptr      gequ  $6

         stz   ptr
         lda   #$C7                     ;slot 7
         sta   ptr+1
checkcard anop
         ldy   #$0C
nextloc  anop
         lda   (ptr),y
         sta   buffer,y
         bne   nextloc
         lda   buffer+$05
         cmp   #$38
         bne   nextcard
         lda   buffer+$07
         cmp   #$18
         bne   nextcard
         lda   buffer+$0B
         cmp   #$01
         bne   nextcard
         lda   buffer+$0C
         cmp   #$20                     ;mouse
         bne   nextcard
         bra   FoundCard

nextcard anop
         dec   ptr+1
         lda   ptr+1
         cmp   #$C0
         bne   checkcard
         jmp   PrintErr

FoundCard anop
         lda   ptr+1                    ;this is slotX
         sta   slotX
         sta   SetMouse+2
         sta   ServeMouse+2
         sta   ReadMouse+2
         sta   InitMouse+2
         and   #%00001111
         sta   slot
         asl   a
         asl   a
         asl   a
         asl   a
         sta   slotY
;         jsr   PrintByte
;         jsr   CROut

         lda   #$12
         sta   ptr
         lda   (ptr)
         sta   SetMouse+1
         inc   ptr
         lda   (ptr)
         sta   ServeMouse+1
         inc   ptr
         lda   (ptr)
         sta   ReadMouse+1
         lda   #$19
         sta   ptr
         lda   (ptr)
         sta   InitMouse+1

* set up interrupt handler
         lda   #2
         sta   INT_PL
         ALLOC INT_PL
         bcc   SetSSC
         jsr   PrintByte
         jmp   PrintErr
* set up card to generate interrupts
SetSSC   anop
         ldx   slotX
         ldy   slotY
         jsr   InitMouse
         ldx   slotX
         ldy   slotY
         lda   #$08
         jsr   SetMouse

* start main loop
         jmp   main
* variables (none at present)
**************************** Mouse Interrupt Handler
MouseInt start
         using common
;         using TrigTables
StatusByte equ $778                     ;indexed by slot

         INC2  $300
         jsr   ServeMouse
         bcc   FromMouse
         rts                            ;carry bit already set

FromMouse anop
         ldx   slot
         lda   #%00001000               ;VBL Interrupt
         bit   StatusByte,x
         bne   IsVBL

IsVBL    anop
* the meat of the interrupt routine goes here

;ExitInt anop

Doug Reeder                                   USENET: ...!tektronix!reed!reeder
Internet: reeder@reed.EDU                     BITNET: reeder@reed.BITNET
I'm looking for a grad school or a job as a research assistant where I can work
on tethers for space propulsion or robotics, in particular, walking machines.