[comp.sys.apple2] Agate 069

acct069@CARROLL1.CC.EDU (Ron) (04/08/91)

I've seen _Agate069_ mentioned a few times in the past couple of days and
am interested in taking a look at it.  Can anyone point to a ftp site that
has this program available?

This is my ".sig" file.  (I can tell, you're excited now....)
acct069@carroll1.cc.edu  or  carroll1!acct069@uwm.edu


I downloaded Agate069.bsq from tybalt.caltech.edu by anonymous FTP.  Although
I had requested ASCII mode (since a .bsq file should have been BINSCIIed),
the accompaning message said that "Image" mode had been forced and a binary
transfer used.  The file I received (93 blocks) has no header, is not
recognized by BINSCII, GSCii, or GS.Shrinkit, and seems to be unusable.

What went wrong?  Is there some specification that has to be set before the
transfer?  My end is a VMS system, files coming in as RECEIVE files.




>I downloaded Agate069.bsq from tybalt.caltech.edu by anonymous FTP.  Although
>I had requested ASCII mode (since a .bsq file should have been BINSCIIed),
>the accompaning message said that "Image" mode had been forced and a binary
>transfer used.  The file I received (93 blocks) has no header, is not
>recognized by BINSCII, GSCii, or GS.Shrinkit, and seems to be unusable.
>What went wrong?  Is there some specification that has to be set before the
>transfer?  My end is a VMS system, files coming in as RECEIVE files.

I also had this problem using tybalt and I never got it resolved; Todd did
not know what know what the problem was and could not (did not have time)
to help.

Subsequently, I had the same problem with .bsq files from .apple2.archive.
umich.edu. But here I solved the problem. Hopefully, the .umich solution
will work for .tybalt.

The source of the problem APPEARS to be a translation problem on the VAX. I
am guessing that you are on a VAX and that you are using BITFTP@PUCC to
get the file for you; at least that is what I have to do. Anyway, try this:

1. Send for the file as BINARY (Yeah, I know, it is supposed to be ascii
    but send for it as binary).

2. When it arrives at your VAX, extract it from the "receive buffer"
   with the "binary switch" (receive/binary).

3. Once the binary file is in your directory do the following, in

   a. type "analyze/file/fdl filename.bsq;1"
   b. type "edit filename.fdl;2 substiute/carriage_return/none/21"
   c. type "convert filename.fdl;2 filename.bsq;1 fixed_filename.bsq;1"

4. The file you want is the last: "fixed_filename.bsq;1". Send (with the
   VAX's send/file command) that file to yourself; that fixes the line
   length problem.

5. You had better delete the original file (filename.bsq;1) from you
   directory as well as the .fdl;2 and fixed_filename.bsq;1 (assuming
   you have completed (4) above.

6. Extract "fixed_filename.bsq;n" ("n" depends on how many files in
   your receive buffer) with the RECEIVE (no binary switch) command -
   (RECEIVE fixed_filename.bsq;n).

7. Hopefully, you will have a binscii file in your directory. "Edit"
   it to be sure.

I have had someone automate the "fixing" for me, so it is possible I
may have a syntax error in the above explanation.  Try it.  If you have
a problem, get back to me.

Ray Waxmonksy (waxmonrw@snybufva)
Dept. of Geography
Buffalo State College

kimbrennan@gnh-starport.cts.com (Kim Brennan) (05/28/91)

I was doing some experiments with Agate 069 recently. I enabled Appletalk on
my Rom 01 GS and sucessfully used Agate at 9600bps, and I even was sucessful
doing a Zmodem download. However, I was able to perform this feet because I
have a ZipChipGS. Turning the ZipCHip off I started losing characters at the
high speed (in text).
    I would love to see some of the features of Agate appear in a more full
featured telecomm program (or conversely, I would love to see more features
appear in Agate, like scrollback, dialing menus, etc...)
            -=> message from kimbrennan@gnh-starport.cts.com <=-