[comp.sys.apple2] help optimizing asm routine

acmfiu@serss0.fiu.edu (ACMFIU) (05/24/91)

below are three assembly routines. two i need help in optimizing and the
third i need help to get it to work.

because i'm not using TextEdit for my program, i need to blink the insertion
cursor. everytime through my main event loop ('event_loop' below), i call
'blink_cursor' which accomplishes this. however, it doesn't blink the cursor
at all. however, if you look at the line i have a '*' next to in the
'blink_cursor' routine, i can change it to 'blt' and it will start blinking
only if "Cursor Flash" in the control panel keyboard setting is not set so the
'*' is flush left. oddly enough, if i leave the 'bge' in and run this loop
with GSBug everything works. this i don't understand.

the next routine, 'scroll_rect', is used to scroll my off-screen grafport
one line (line = length specified by ~line_height [height of line]). can
anyone optimize this? the code is self-explanatory.

the last routine, 'copy_grafport', is used to copy the data in an off-screen
grafport to an on-screen grafport, namely my window. i also need this

variables beginning with '}' are boolean variables
			 ']' are DP variables
			 '~' are constants (that can change)
			 '@' global variables


albert chin

--------------------------------- snip here --------------------------------

* taskmaster event loop                          *
event_loop     equ     *

               pha                      ;long - space for result
               _GetTick                 ;initialize ~num_ticks value
               stx     ~num_ticks
               sty     ~num_ticks+2

:1             jsr     blink_cursor
               pea     #$ffff
               pea     #^taskrec
               pea     #taskrec
               pla                      ;ignore null events
               jsr     (task_table,x)
               lda     quit_flag
               beq     :1

task_table     dw      :ignore          ;nullEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;mouseDownEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;mouseUpEvt
               dw      parse_key        ;keyDownEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;undefined
               dw      parse_key        ;autoKeyEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;updateEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;undefined
               dw      :ignore          ;activateEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;switchEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;deskAccEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;driverEvt
               dw      :ignore          ;app1Evt
               dw      :ignore          ;app2Evt
               dw      :ignore          ;app3Evt
               dw      :ignore          ;app4Evt
               dw      :ignore          ;wInDesk
               dw      :ignore          ;wInMenuBar
               dw      :ignore          ;wClickCalled
               dw      :ignore          ;wInContent
               dw      drag             ;wInDrag
               dw      :ignore          ;wInGrow
               dw      :ignore          ;wInGoAway
               dw      zoom             ;wInZoom
               dw      info             ;wInInfo
               dw      :ignore          ;wInSpecial
               dw      :ignore          ;wInDeskItem
               dw      :ignore          ;wInFrame
               dw      :ignore          ;wInactMenu
               dw      :ignore          ;wClosedNDA
               dw      :ignore          ;wCalledSysEdit
               dw      :ignore          ;wTrackZoom
               dw      :ignore          ;wHitFrame

:ignore        rts

* control blinking interval of vertical insert   *
* bar                                            *
blink_cursor   equ     *
]pen_pattern   =       $80              ;pen pattern
]num_ticks     =       $84              ;number of ticks

               pha                      ;long - space for result
               adc     ~num_ticks
               sta     ~num_ticks
               adc     ~num_ticks+2
               sta     ~num_ticks+2

               pha                      ;long - space for result
               cpy     ~num_ticks+2
               bge     :1
:1             cpx     ~num_ticks
               bge     :2

:2             stx     ~num_ticks       ;update ~num_ticks
               sty     ~num_ticks+2
               pha                      ;long - space for result

               pha                      ;long - space for result
               _FrontWindow             ;get current grafport.

               lda     }blink
               bne     :off
:on            pea     #15              ;word - paint pattern white
               clc                      ;long - pointer to pattern
               adc     #]pen_pattern
               pea     #0
               clc                      ;long - pointer to pattern
               adc     #]pen_pattern
               pea     #0

               ldx     @x_coor
               ldy     @y_coor
               phx                      ;word - horizontal coordinate
               phy                      ;word - vertical coordinate
               lda     @y_coor
               sbc     ~line_height
               ldx     @x_coor
               phx                      ;horizontal point to draw line to
               pha                      ;vertical point to draw line to
               lda     #1
               sta     }blink
               bra     :rts

:off           _PenNormal               ;prepare to erase insertion bar
               ldx     @x_coor
               ldy     @y_coor
               phx                      ;word - horizontal coordinate
               phy                      ;word - vertical coordinate
               lda     @y_coor
               sbc     ~line_height
               ldx     @x_coor
               phx                      ;horizontal point to draw line to
               pha                      ;vertical point to draw line to
               stz     }blink

:rts           _SetPort

* scroll off-screen grafport up ~line_height     *
scroll_rect    equ     *
]off_grafport  =       $80              ;current grafport
]off_image     =       $84              ;off-screen pixel map - source
]image         =       $88              ;off-screen pixel map - destination
]y             =       $8c              ;height of scrolling region

               pha                      ;long - space for result
               plx                      ;long - pointer to current grafport
               stx     ]off_grafport
               sty     ]off_grafport+2

               lda     @y_coor
               sbc     ~line_height
               sta     ]y

               lda     ~line_height
               ldy     #2
               lda     []off_grafport],y
               sta     ]image
               adc     ~shr,x
               sta     ]off_image
               ldy     #4
               lda     []off_grafport],y
               sta     ]image+2
               adc     #0
               sta     ]off_image+2

:1             clc
               lda     ]off_image
               adc     #160
               sta     ]off_image
               bcc     :7
               inc     ]off_image+2
:7             clc
               lda     ]image
               adc     #160
               sta     ]image
               bcc     :6
               inc     ]image+2

:6             ldy     #158
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #156
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #154
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #152
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #150
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #148
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #146
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #144
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #142
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #140
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #138
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #136
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #134
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #132
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #130
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #128
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #126
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #124
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #122
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #120
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #118
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #116
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #114
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #112
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #110
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #108
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #106
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #104
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #102
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #100
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #98
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #96
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #94
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #92
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #90
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #88
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #86
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #84
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #82
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #80
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #78
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #76
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #74
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #72
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #70
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #68
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #66
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #64
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #62
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #60
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #58
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #56
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #54
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #52
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #50
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #48
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #46
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #44
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #42
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #40
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #38
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #36
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #34
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #32
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #30
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #28
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #26
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #24
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #22
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #20
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #18
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #16
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #14
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #12
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #10
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #8
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #6
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #4
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               ldy     #2
               lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               lda     []off_image]
               sta     []image]

               dec     ]y
               bmi     :2
               jmp     :1

:2             ldx     ~line_height	;prepare to erase the current line
:3             clc			;as this line will be written over
               lda     ]image
               adc     #160
               sta     ]image
               bcc     :4
               inc     ]image+2
:4             lda     #0
               ldy     #638
:5             sta     []image],y
               bpl     :5
               bpl     :3


* copy entire off-screen grafport to on-screen   *
* window content region                          *
copy_grafport  equ     *
]grafport      =       $80              ;current grafport
]off_grafport  =       $84              ;off-screen grafport
]rect          =       $88              ;window port rectangle
]rect_global   =       $90              ;global window port rectangle
]off_rect      =       $98              ;off-screen port rectangle
]image         =       $a0              ;pointer to window pixel image
]off_image     =       $a4              ;pointer to off-screen pixel image
]x             =       $a8
]y             =       $aa
]vis_region    =       $ac              ;handle/pointer to visible region
]point         =       $b0              ;mouse location
]pixelmap      =       $b4              ;window pixel map
]off_pixelmap  =       $b8              ;off-screen pixel map

               pha                      ;long - space for result
               _FrontWindow             ;get current grafport.
               stx     ]grafport
               sty     ]grafport+2
               phy                      ;long - pointer to grafport

               ldy     #ouserField+2    ;offset to user field in grafport
               lda     []grafport],y    ;record
               sta     ]off_grafport+2
               ldy     #ouserField
               lda     []grafport],y
               sta     ]off_grafport

               ldy     #$1c             ;get handle to visible region
               lda     []grafport],y
               sta     ]vis_region
               ldy     #$1e
               lda     []grafport],y
               sta     ]vis_region+2

               ldy     #2               ;convert vis_region handle to pointer
               lda     []vis_region],y
               lda     []vis_region]
               sta     ]vis_region
               sty     ]vis_region+2

               ldy     #2
               lda     []vis_region],y
               cmp     #200             ;if v1 > 200, end
               blt     :1
               brl     :rts
:1             sta     ]rect_global
               sta     ]rect
               ldy     #4
               lda     []vis_region],y
               sta     ]rect_global+2
               sta     ]rect+2
               ldy     #6
               lda     []vis_region],y
               sta     ]rect_global+4
               sta     ]rect+4
               sbc     ]rect
               sta     ]y               ;height in bytes to copy
               clc                      ;for extra dec because of sbc
               ldy     #8
               lda     []vis_region],y
               sta     ]rect_global+6
               sta     ]rect+6
               sbc     ]rect+2
               sta     ]x               ;length in bytes to copy

               clc                      ;convert window port rectangle to
               tdc                      ;global coordinates
               adc     #]rect_global
               pea     #0
               adc     #]rect_global+4
               pea     #0

               lsr     ]rect+2
               lsr     ]rect+2
               lsr     ]rect_global+2
               lsr     ]rect_global+2

               pha                      ;word - space for result
               adc     #]point
               pea     #0               ;long - pointer to point
               pea     #0               ;long - pointer to point
               clc                      ;long - pointer to rectangle
               adc     #]rect
               pea     #0
               pla                      ;word - boolean if point in rectangle
               beq     :2

:2             clc
               lda     ]rect+4
               ldy     #2
               lda     []off_grafport],y
               adc     ~shr,x
               adc     ]rect+2
               sta     ]off_image
               ldy     #4
               lda     []off_grafport],y
               adc     #0
               sta     ]off_image+2
               lda     ]rect_global+4
               ldy     #2
               lda     []grafport],y
               adc     ~shr,x
               adc     ]rect_global+2
               sta     ]image
               ldy     #4
               lda     []grafport],y
               adc     #0
               sta     ]image+2

:3             sec
               lda     ]off_image
               sbc     #160
               sta     ]off_image
               bcs     :5
               dec     ]off_image+2

:5             sec
               lda     ]image
               sbc     #160
               sta     ]image
               bcs     :6
               dec     ]image+2

:6             ldy     ]x
:4             lda     []off_image],y
               sta     []image],y
               bpl     :4

               dec     ]y
               bpl     :3

               pla                      ;boolean if point in rectangle
               beq     :rts

:rts           _SetPort

* variables                                      *
* boolean flags
}esc           dw      0                ;test if 'esc' key is pressed
                                        ;for emacs-style command-line
}blink         dw      0                ;if last blink of cursor was draw/erase

* "constant" variables (might change)
~right         dw      0                ;max value for cursor on right - determined by portRect
~bottom        dw      0                ;max value for cursor on bottom - determined by portRect
~line_height   dw      0                ;height of current font
~num_ticks     adrl    0                ;number of ticks of cursor
~shr           dw      $0000,$00a0,$0140,$01e0,$0280,$0320,$03c0,$0460
               dw      $0500,$05a0,$0640,$06e0,$0780,$0820,$08c0,$0960
               dw      $0a00,$0aa0,$0b40,$0be0,$0c80,$0d20,$0dc0,$0e60
               dw      $0f00,$0fa0,$1040,$10e0,$1180,$1220,$12c0,$1360
               dw      $1400,$14a0,$1540,$15e0,$1680,$1720,$17c0,$1860
               dw      $1900,$19a0,$1a40,$1ae0,$1b80,$1c20,$1cc0,$1d60
               dw      $1e00,$1ea0,$1f40,$1fe0,$2080,$2120,$21c0,$2260
               dw      $2300,$23a0,$2440,$24e0,$2580,$2620,$26c0,$2760
               dw      $2800,$28a0,$2940,$29e0,$2a80,$2b20,$2bc0,$2c60
               dw      $2d00,$2da0,$2e40,$2ee0,$2f80,$3020,$30c0,$3160
               dw      $3200,$32a0,$3340,$33e0,$3480,$3520,$35c0,$3660
               dw      $3700,$37a0,$3840,$38e0,$3980,$3a20,$3ac0,$3b60
               dw      $3c00,$3ca0,$3d40,$3de0,$3e80,$3f20,$3fc0,$4060
               dw      $4100,$41a0,$4240,$42e0,$4380,$4420,$44c0,$4560
               dw      $4600,$46a0,$4740,$47e0,$4880,$4920,$49c0,$4a60
               dw      $4b00,$4ba0,$4c40,$4ce0,$4d80,$4e20,$4ec0,$4f60
               dw      $5000,$50a0,$5140,$51e0,$5280,$5320,$53c0,$5460
               dw      $5500,$55a0,$5640,$56e0,$5780,$5820,$58c0,$5960
               dw      $5a00,$5aa0,$5b40,$5be0,$5c80,$5d20,$5dc0,$5e60
               dw      $5f00,$5fa0,$6040,$60e0,$6180,$6220,$62c0,$6360
               dw      $6400,$64a0,$6540,$65e0,$6680,$6720,$67c0,$6860
               dw      $6900,$69a0,$6a40,$6ae0,$6b80,$6c20,$6cc0,$6d60
               dw      $6e00,$6ea0,$6f40,$6fe0,$7080,$7120,$71c0,$7260
               dw      $7300,$73a0,$7440,$74e0,$7580,$7620,$76c0,$7760
               dw      $7800,$78a0,$7940,$79e0,$7a80,$7b20,$7bc0,$7c60

toddpw@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) (05/24/91)

acmfiu@serss0.fiu.edu (ACMFIU) writes:

>below are three assembly routines. two i need help in optimizing and the
>third i need help to get it to work.

And how...

First, I suggest you install a heartbeat task and use it to tell your event
loop code when to blink. Read up in the Miscellaneous Tools chapter (I assume
you know where that is...), hearbeat tasks are quite useful and convenient
for this sort of thing.

>the next routine, 'scroll_rect', is used to scroll my off-screen grafport
>one line (line = length specified by ~line_height [height of line]). can
>anyone optimize this? the code is self-explanatory.

Well, if you want to make your source a lot easier to manage, make a macro
that represents one or more loop iterations and edit the macro. Then you
can experiment with faster unrolled code with far less stress than hand
editing 80 copies of the same fragment.

>the last routine, 'copy_grafport', is used to copy the data in an off-screen
>grafport to an on-screen grafport, namely my window. i also need this

>               _HideCursor

Ugh. There's a ShieldCursor vector for this. It's in a technote, left an
excercise for the reader.

>:6             ldy     ]x
>:4             lda     []off_image],y
>               sta     []image],y
>               dey
>               dey
>               bpl     :4

Jeezus. LHG at its slowest uses a loop like this. You can use MVP/MVN a lot
of the time (yes, you really can use them -- get sneaky), and most of the
time (except under Orca) you can map the stack into the shadowed graphics
page and romp pixels to the screen.

Sure it sounds sick but that's tough noogies. Think about it for a while and
then mail me. Don't listen to Tim Meekins, or your code won't work with
AppleTalk (in fact he's lucky it works at all -- do you EVER check to see
where the standard GrafPort is, Tim?).

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @ tybalt.caltech.edu

meekins@kingkong.cis.ohio-state.edu (Tim Meekins) (05/24/91)

In article <1991May24.111453.27330@nntp-server.caltech.edu> toddpw@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) writes:

>>:6             ldy     ]x
>>:4             lda     []off_image],y
>>               sta     []image],y
>>               dey
>>               dey
>>               bpl     :4
>Jeezus. LHG at its slowest uses a loop like this. You can use MVP/MVN a lot
>of the time (yes, you really can use them -- get sneaky), and most of the
>time (except under Orca) you can map the stack into the shadowed graphics
>page and romp pixels to the screen.

A lot also depends on where off_image and image point to. If you know they're
in the same bank you can greatly speed this up. Also self-modifying code is
handy in these situations. For minor speed improvement, try unrolling by
a factor of 1. This will cut the bpl count in half. But then you need to know
you're copying a min up 4 bytes instead of 2...

>Sure it sounds sick but that's tough noogies. Think about it for a while and
>then mail me. Don't listen to Tim Meekins, or your code won't work with
>AppleTalk (in fact he's lucky it works at all -- do you EVER check to see
>where the standard GrafPort is, Tim?).

Come on Todd, that was only in ONE program a LONG time ago.. I challenge you
to crash ZLaunch.... (Hmmm. well I'm assuming my newer demos work....)

|| Tim Meekins                   ||  Snail Mail:           ||   Apple II  || 
||   meekins@cis.ohio-state.edu  ||    8372 Morris Rd.     ||   Forever!  ||
\\___timm@pro-tcc.cts.com________/\____Hilliard, OH 43026__/\_____________//

6600prao@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Parik Rao) (05/25/91)

 you can map the stack onto the graphic screen under orca.  i have a init
that allocates $01/2000, its the first init in my system.  It also installs
a cda that de-allocates shadowed-vid ram in case i wanna run prodos 8.  You
can also make your program a S16 program I guess, but the 1st method will
allow you to keep it as a EXE file for a fast dev cycle.
Apple II Forever |       6600prao@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu      | IBMs get the job done
Parik Rao       |      Amiga - for the creative mind     |        Class of 1994
                 Macintosh - buy it or Apple will sue you.

ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com (Eric Mcgillicuddy) (05/25/91)

Do you want them optimized for speed or memory? Both right?

Anyhow, the scroll_offscreen_grafport can be sped up considerably by using the
MVP instruction. This is off the top of my head and untested, so.....

:6      lda     #num_bytes_2_move-1     ;159?
        _set_8_bit registers_XY         
        ldx     offimage+2              ;zero page variable
        sta     move+1
        ldx     immage+2
        stx     move+2                  ;self modifying code (note stx move+1)
        ldx     offimage                ;holds address of LAST byte to move
        ldy     image                   ;holds address of LAST byt of
        mvp     #0,#0                   ;destination - #0,#0 are dummy numbers

That should do the copy much faster, 7 cycles per byte rather than 14 cycles
per byte. A limitation is that the source and destination not cross banks. Use
the same code with MVN to scroll DOWN. (or vice versa, it's late right now)

Hope this is useful.

UUCP: bkj386!pnet91!ericmcg
INET: ericmcg@pnet91.cts.com

dlyons@Apple.COM (David A Lyons) (05/28/91)

In article <3638@kluge.fiu.edu> acmfiu@serss0.fiu.edu (ACMFIU) writes:
>because i'm not using TextEdit for my program, i need to blink the insertion
>cursor. everytime through my main event loop ('event_loop' below), i call
>'blink_cursor' which accomplishes this. however, it doesn't blink the cursor
>at all

By the way (regarding a different message):  If you're not getting null
events, it's because you are getting an Update event which you are not
handling.  Window update events are not stored in the event queue--
if there is no higher-priority event, the system looks through all the
windows front-to-back until it finds one with a non-empty update region.
If you don't handle that by calling BeginUpdate, blahblahblah, EndUpdate,
(which has the side-effect of emptying out the update region) then you'll
get the same event again.

I didn't examine your code closely enough to diagnose the real problem,
but I did notice it barfs when the tick count value wraps around past
zero (which happens every 2.2 years of continuous use)! -- I suggest a
slightly simpler approach, using only the low word of the tick count,
and also working properly when it wraps around past zero:

  plx                   ;ignore high word
  tay                   ;keep copy of low word in Y
  sbc previous_ticks
  cmp blink_internal    ;set earlier from GetCaretTime
  bcc dont_blink_it
  sty previous_ticks
  ...                   ;blink the thing, with InvertRect or whatever

Note that the calculation (Now - Previous) gives you a legitimate number
of ticks even if it's something like $0005 minus $FFF0.  That's $0015.

(If you do "loop until current-ticks is greater-than-or-equal-to previous
ticks plus increment" you can get stuck with "loop until X >= $FFFE", and
X will go right past the big value back into the small values, if your
main loop takes a significant amount of time per iteration.)
David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
Apple II System Software Engineer         |   P.O. Box 875
America Online: Dave Lyons                |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
GEnie:DAVE.LYONS  CompuServe:72177,3233 Internet:dlyons@apple.com

My opinions are my own, not Apple's.