[comp.sys.apple2] Experiences wanted with Apple stuff on Mac LC

norton@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU (Norton Chia) (06/02/91)

Hello everyone,

I left my Apple ][ stuff many years ago when I was still using DOS 3.3.3.
Now I have a Mac LC with a IIe card put in, I'd really love to get stuck 
into what first sparked my love for Apple. I only seem to have one disk that
can boot the old IIe in my Mac, with the others coming out in gibberish
when I attempt to "CATALOG" them. Could someone please share their experiences
with me in regards to the following points, in any order:

1)	Setting up partitions on the hard disk as a //e HD
2)	Converting my DOS disks to ProDOS 8
3)	Ideas on setting up an "ideal" environment as an Apple ][
4)	Some good books on ProDOS, especially converting from DOS
5)	Some good utilities
6)	How to do things like saving to the HD partition
[NB	You can see I'm making it up on the fly :) ]
7)	How to run some old games -> Lode Runner, Castle Wolfenstein etc
8)	Gently guide me on the right track so I can go away for a month
	and come back hassling you with more appropriate questions

Have a bit of heart on a sentimental old fool, please help.
My current setup is a Mac LC with 4MB RAM, 100MB HD, Apple IIe card and
Apple 5.25 drive. And oh, the most important thing:

9)	What sort of joystick should I buy? Apple's?

Awaiting answers by e-mail or post. I currently subscribe to comp.sys.[apple/2]
and comp.sys.mac.[*]

Thanks and have a nice day,
//  Norton Chia || I can be reached via e-mail  -->  norton@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU /
/ Micro Support || Yes, this is Australia calling. //////  AppleLink: AUST0240 /
/ Uni of Sydney || No, I haven't got anything to say but "Thanks", if I forgot ////  When I'm talking half way around the world, my employers can't hear me  ///