[comp.sys.apple2] Wanted

dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu (David C. Troup) (03/07/90)

	Im looking for a Transwarp GS and a Video Overlay Card. 

	Thats it!

David C. Troup ! SkunkWorks ! 2600 hz           |"Im going to work at an office
       dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu                   | that has no phone, and
    414-524-6809(dorm)7343(work)                | returning home with sandy
The Surf Rat - DC 12 on Neil Pryde and Seatrend | feet."          

gammal@altitude.CAM.ORG (Michael Gammal) (06/02/90)

Wanted:apple //e w/ext. 80 column card....

nothing more... upgrading from //+.

Michael Gammal	           Apple //e & Atari Enthusiast		Dawson College	
gammal@altitude.CAM.ORG		qp qp qp qp qp qp qp 		Montreal, Que.
				db Support Nature db 		Canada

jon@pro-ice.cts.com (Jon Spatz) (01/06/91)

Wanted... A Apple Cat 103 or 212 or whatever... Send me mail.. I NEED ONE!

Send cost in the letter.

 ProLine:  jon@pro-ice                  | Jon Spatz (jon)  |   \\__//  Red 
 Internet: jon@pro-ice.cts.com          | pro-ice.cts.com  |    |__|    light
 UUCP:     crash!pro-ice!jon            | (215)/562-4928   |   //||\\  Green
 ARPA:     crash!pro-ice!jon@nosc.mil   | 300 to 9600 Baud |     ||     light

ent345y@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Anestis Kozakis) (06/11/91)

The above says it all, but I really need an external //c drive
(with cables), and a printer. A mouse or Joystick can wait.
Anyone who has these items and is willing to sell to soemone
in Australia please contact me. E-mail address is in my .sig.
I will pay for shipping if necessary.

  | You calling me crazy? I'm not crazy! I might be insane, but not crazy!! |
  |           Rez (aka Anestis aka ent345y@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au           |