[comp.sys.apple2] Speed gain on PCT by RAMfast ?

christob@neabbs.UUCP (TEKSTOTAAL) (05/31/91)

HI there,
is there anybody who has experience with the above combination and has
seen SUBSTANTIAL speed gains (I/O between harddisk and the CPU)?
I have a decent harddisk (60 MB, 28 ms) but sometimes feel like
smashing the whole thing on the wall when waiting for the I/O.
If there is any gain, how many %?
thanks a lot
c. bouthillier
fido 2:280/2

lhaider@pro-nbs.cts.com (Laer Haider) (06/04/91)

In-Reply-To: message from christob@neabbs.UUCP

>HI there,
>is there anybody who has experience with the above combination and has
>seen SUBSTANTIAL speed gains (I/O between harddisk and the CPU)?
>I have a decent harddisk (60 MB, 28 ms) but sometimes feel like
>smashing the whole thing on the wall when waiting for the I/O.
>If there is any gain, how many %?
>thanks a lot
>c. bouthillier

Speed gain for HD I/O for the PCT?  Did someone discuss this or is this
a question posed in hopes of an answer?  I have an 18ms 105MB HD and a
DMA SCSI card (Apple's), and yet the access time and throughput to the
PC Transporter is DOG SLLOOOoowwww!  I'm talking molasses on a February
morning.  If somebody does have a solution for this, I'd LOVE to hear it!
                /    _______________________________________________
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whitewolf@gnh-starport.cts.com (Tae Song) (06/10/91)

|>HI there,
|>is there anybody who has experience with the above combination and has
|>seen SUBSTANTIAL speed gains (I/O between harddisk and the CPU)?
|>I have a decent harddisk (60 MB, 28 ms) but sometimes feel like
|>smashing the whole thing on the wall when waiting for the I/O.
|>If there is any gain, how many %?
|>thanks a lot
|>c. bouthillier
|Speed gain for HD I/O for the PCT?  Did someone discuss this or is this
|a question posed in hopes of an answer?  I have an 18ms 105MB HD and a
|DMA SCSI card (Apple's), and yet the access time and throughput to the
|PC Transporter is DOG SLLOOOoowwww!  I'm talking molasses on a February
|morning.  If somebody does have a solution for this, I'd LOVE to hear it!

I guess they didn't tell you... all HD access goes through the 3.5" floppy
drive... you don't have direct access to the HD.

Um, I don't have PCT, but if you could setup a RAMDisk, and make the PCT go
through that... that might speed you up, beyond that, I don't know.
INET: whitewolf@gnh-starport.cts.com
UUCP: crash!gnh-starport!whitewolf
ARPA: crash!gnh-starport!whitewolf@nosc.mil


On Mon, 10 Jun 91 01:38:09 (EDT) Tae Song said:
>I guess they didn't tell you... all HD access goes through the 3.5" floppy
>drive... you don't have direct access to the HD.

Huh?  How does it go through the floppy drive?

>Um, I don't have PCT, but if you could setup a RAMDisk, and make the PCT go
>through that... that might speed you up, beyond that, I don't know.

Yeah.  You can set up a RAM disk on the PCT, but I don't understand about
'going through that'.  What I thought the PCT did for HD access was tell
the Apple side to tell prodos 8 to fetch some sectors from the HD.  You may
be right though, but that sounds really strange by 'going through the floppy'.

>INET: whitewolf@gnh-starport.cts.com
>UUCP: crash!gnh-starport!whitewolf
>ARPA: crash!gnh-starport!whitewolf@nosc.mil

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