[comp.sys.apple2] How to order...

diz@pro-gsplus.cts.com (Steven Disbrow) (06/12/91)

In-Reply-To: message from taob@micor.ocunix.on.ca

Well, I don't want to open up this particular can of worms again... but I'd
have to say that I _prefer_ getting orders in the form of physical mail or
phone calls.  They take up space on my desk and insist that I get them
taken care of.  E-mail just kinda sits there...

Oh, that is in response to  Brian Tao, who wrote:
>...can I mail in a subscription to you through e-mail, or do you prefer
>the customary phone call/paper mail order form?

.my sig is dead.  But, my address and phone number are as follows:
voice: (615) 870-4960
U.S. Mail: GS+ Magazine, P.O. Box 15366, Chattanooga TN, 37415-0366