[comp.sys.apple2] m16.pascal docs

meekins@cis.ohio-state.edu (Tim Meekins) (06/13/91)

*                                                                        *
*                    ZAVTRA MACRO UTILITIES DISK                         *
*                 Copyright 1990,91 by Tim Meekins                       *
*                        All Rights Reserved                             *
*                                                                        *
*                   THIS PRODUCT IS SHAREWARE!!                          *
*   If you find yourself using this product extensively, please take the *
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* The author can be reached at:                                          *
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*   Tim Meekins                                                          *
*   8372 Morris Rd.                                                      *
*   Hilliard, OH 43026                                                   *
*                                                                        *
*   Internet: meekins@cis.ohio-state.edu                                 *
*             timm@pro-tcc.cts.com                                       *
*                                                                        *

                        M16.PASCAL DOCUMENTATION
                              Release 1.1

This file (M16.PASCAL) consists of two macros for developing Pascal-like
subroutines. I highly reccomend that you use these macros when writing
subroutines, especially if there is a need to pass parameters back and forth.

The two macros are SUBROUTINE and RETURN.


SUBROUTINE &Parameters,&WorkSpace

&Parameters contains a list of parameters that are being passed to the
subroutine. Each paramter is separated with a comma, and each parameter
is prefixed with the length of the parameter in bytes, separated by a ':'.

&WorkSpace is the amount of space to be reserved for local variables.


RETURN &Return

Return is the value to return. &Return is prefixed with the length of the
return value and separated with a ':'.

If the return length is 2 then the Accumulator contains &Return.

If the return length is 4 then the Accumulator contains the LSB of &Return
and the X-register contains the MSB of &Register.

If the return length is 10 then the Y-Register contains the LSB of
&Return's address and the X-Register contains the MSB of &Return's Address.


; An example of using SUBROUTINE and RETURN
Local1        equ       0                   ;These are the local variables!
Local2        equ       Local1+2
Local3        equ       Local2+2
Space         equ       Local3+2            ;This is the workspace needed!!
              SUBROUTINE (2:Parm1,4:Parm2),Space
; Put the body of the subroutine here, the local variables and parameters
; can be used simply by referencing them, for example,
;             LDA       Parm1
;             STA       Local2
              RETURN 2:Local3               ;Return Local3 in Y reg.

Return values may also be returned via the stack. In our previous example,
Just after SUBROUTINE was declared, we could have placed:

Return1       equ       Parm1+2             ;Note, this is the first
Return2       equ       Return1+2           ;  parameter



Below is the stack of the previous example:

           Stack Offset
                ___   _____
              18           \
Return2       17___         |
              16            |
Return1       15___         |
              14             \   These values are placed on the stack by
Parm1         13___          /   the calling program. When the subroutine
              12            |    exits, only Return1 and Return2 are left on
              11            |    the stack.
              10            |
Parm2         9____   _____/
              8            \
              7             >    This is the return address for RTL
Return Addr   6____   _____/
              5            \
Local3        4____         |
              3              \   This is the local storage created by the
Local2        2____          /   subroutine
              1             |
Local1        0_____  _____/     <- Top of stack

|| Tim Meekins                   ||  Snail Mail:           ||   Apple II  || 
||   meekins@cis.ohio-state.edu  ||    8372 Morris Rd.     ||   Forever!  ||
\\___timm@pro-tcc.cts.com________/\____Hilliard, OH 43026__/\_____________//