[net.space] Space Solar Power - ZBEN's "heat pollution" worries

Poskanzer.PA@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (11/02/83)

From:  Jef Poskanzer <Poskanzer.PA@PARC-MAXC.ARPA>

If that's "the most cogent argument" you've heard against SPS, then
let's build it right now, because that argument is bunk.  The Earth is
currently receiving sunlight at the rate of 1.1e24 ergs/sec.  That is
ten million gigaWatts.  One million rectennas.  As far as I know, no-one
is planning to build that many in the near future.  Let's look at a more
reasonable number, say a thousand ten gigaWatt rectennas.  How much
would this heat up the planet?  To raise the temperature of the world's
oceans by one degree C takes 5.71e31 ergs.  If you consider the
atmosphere alone, it takes about a thousand times less: 5.26e28 ergs.
In one year, a thousand rectennas would receive 3.15e23 ergs (plus a bit
because they are only 90% efficient).  Thus in the long run, the
temperature of the oceans would rise by about 0.00000001 degrees per
year; in the short run, the atmosphere would heat up by 0.00001 degrees
per year.  Are you still worried?

How about a little more thought and a little less flaming.