[comp.sys.apple2] Murph's VaporWare column

jma@reef.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) (06/18/91)

Does this column still run?  I've been out of touch with UseNet for
a couple of months, and I've not seen it in the past couple of weeks.
Does anyone still have the June column, and could someone e-mail it
to me?  TO prevent a flood of columns, if you are reading this
more than 48 hours from the date and time above, I've probably got
a copy already... :)  Thanks in advance!

John  M.  Adams   --****--   Professional Student      ///
Internet: jma@cis.ufl.edu            Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga BBS, Paragon 2.0858  \\V//  Makes it Possible
Fido Net 1:3612/557.   904-492-2305     (Florida)   \X/