[comp.text.tex] WP2LaTeX documentation

roelofs@amelia.nas.nasa.gov (Ender Wiggin) (04/14/90)

A program called WP2LaTeX was recently uploaded to Simtel, and for those
of us who have need of such an animal, it is incredibly useful.  The 
program converts WordPerfect 5.0 documents to LaTeX format, and while its
basic operation is straightforward enough to need no documentation, there
are a number of quirks (owing to the differences in capabilities between
WP and LaTeX) of which the user should be aware.  Unfortunately for many
of us here in the US, however, the program was created at Eindhoven Univ.
of Technology in the Netherlands and, logically enough, came with documen-
tation written in Dutch.  Needless to say, this is somewhat inconvenient
for most native English-speaking users. :)

I therefore spent much of last weekend translating the documentation and,
with the permission of Ron Helwig (one of the contacts listed in the 
documentation), I have uploaded the complete translation of the user's 
guide and README.BAT file to Simtel.  Keith Petersen, at my suggestion,
added them to the existing archive, and the result is in the file

WP2LATEX.ZIP      WordPerfect 5.0 to LaTeX; both English and Dutch docs


  WP2LATEX.EXE ( the conversion program )
  WP2LATEX.PAS ( the original Turbo Pascal 5.0 sources )
  WP2LATEX.STY ( style file needed by LaTeX for processing )
  WP2LTX.TEX   ( user's guide for the program, in English; LaTeX format )
  README.BAT   ( file explaining contents of the archive )
  WP2LATEX.TEX ( Dutch (original) version of the user's guide )
  LEESME.BAT   ( Dutch version of README.BAT )

Note that this is now a ZIP archive, *not* an ARC file as it was originally.
I regret that, due to my low tolerance for Pascal, there is no translation of 
the comments in the source code. :)  Perhaps some other civic-minded soul out 
there would care to undertake that task...?

Anyway, I hope others out there will find this useful.  Please direct TeX-
related follow-ups to comp.text.tex and IBM PC-type follow-ups to c.b.i.p.d.
And thanks to Mr. Helwig for corrections and additions to the translation.
Greg Roelofs
University of Chicago,
Department of Physics