[comp.text.tex] changebar.sty

spqr@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Sebastian Rahtz) (06/08/90)

Some recent correspondence on changebars, and a question from someone
in the next office, prompted me to look out the changebar.sty posted
on texhax last year. I also found a copy in the UK TeX Archive
(different!) and a reference to Joachim Schrod's paper on the subject.
Can anyone throw a little light on the subject for me?

I have Fine's style, from texhax, dated October 1986 with some
revisions. I have another copy of Fine, with an edit dated 1987.
This is not the same as the previous copy - they have made
separate extensions (one supports twoside, the other has
`deletebar'), but both depend on dviln03 \specials. I have hacked
these to be compatible with dvitops, along the lines of the slightly
arcane \special support for dvi2ps given in texhax 89.04, and it seems
to work. 

Question: does anyone have a definitive version of Fine's macros? does
          anyone `look after' them

Question: J Schrod gave a paper on `change bars without specials' last
          year; has he distributed a set of macros and/or published
          the paper?

thanks for enlightenment

Sebastian Rahtz