[comp.text.tex] underlining large blocks of text for submittable manuscript

graham@max.physics.sunysb.edu (Graham Collins) (07/10/90)

What I want is a macro \un which will take

\un{block of text}

and produce an underlined version of "block of text"

For a block of text which does not run over more than one line, the
TeXbook provides a suitable macro using mathmode. However, what I need
is one which will still break lines appropriately when the block of
text runs on for more than one line.

I've made various attempts myself, but they've all failed,
demonstrating there's something I don't know about how arguments are
passed to other macros. My strategy was to have \un split off the
first word and underline it with the
TeXbook's macro, and then \un{the remainder} provided the remainder
wasn't empty. However, all the
variants I tried either didn't correctly parse off each word or else the
recursion never successfully terminated.

Any suggestions? (The TeXbook advises making a new font with metfont!)
The relevance of the query is that most magazines, unlike academic
journals, regard italicising in manuscripts as a sign of
amateurishness---which will seriously harm a budding writer's chances
of publication.

Graham P. Collins

grunwald@foobar.colorado.edu (Dirk Grunwald) (07/10/90)

I asked about this a while ago. Too bad I didn't look in my bag of toys.

%% Usage is
%% \underl <underlined text> &
%% The space before "&" is important.

\def\underl#1 {\leavevmode\underli #1 }
\def\underli#1 {\ifx&#1\let\next=\relax\unskip
                \else\let\next=\underli \ulinebox{#1} \fi\next}
\def\ulinebox#1{\vtop{\hbox{\strut#1 }\hrule}}%Taken from TexHax v.88, 52

duchier@cs.yale.edu (Denys Duchier) (07/10/90)

I did this once out of curiosity.

You need to make underlined fonts using MetaFont because there is no
other way to get proper hyphenation to happen otherwise (so you can
just forget about making each character active and have it expand into
an underlined version of its original self; supposing this idea
crossed your mind in the first place).

Fortunately making underlined fonts is rather easy if you have
MetaFont (henceforth MF). Here is how to proceed:

	1. find out where the .mf files for the necessary fonts are
	   kept on your system. usually it is in:


	2. depending on who is the bozo who installed MF on your
	   system, you may have to set the following environment

		setenv MFINPUTS .:/usr/local/lib/mf/inputs
		setenv MFBASES  .:/usr/local/lib/mf/bases
		setenv MFPOOL   .:/usr/local/lib/mf

	   and you should read the man page.

	3. create a directory somewhere. let's call it myfonts.
	   in this directory create symbolic links to the .mf files
	   for the fonts you want to create underlined versions of.

	4. put the following code in myfonts/underlined.mf

def underlineit =
 if (charcode<oct"022")
   or ((charcode>oct"030") and (charcode<oct"136"))
   or ((charcode>oct"137") and (charcode<oct"176")):
  pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt;
  draw (0,-2.5pt)--(w,-2.5pt);

	   Using a pencircle was probably not a very good idea, but
	   nevermind this for the moment.

	5. Now in csh do something like this:

foreach font (*.mf)
  cmmf <<ENDOFFILE
input underlined
input $font
mv mfput.tfm u$font:r.tfm
mv mfput.300gf u$font:r.300gf
gftopk u$font:r.300gf

	   Note that I say "\mode=imagen;" but you might have to say
	   something different.

	6. Now you have a set of fonts derived from the regular
	   distribution, except their names are all prefixed with the
	   letter `u' and all letters are identically underlined.  You
	   should tell TeX about them.

	   Supposing .tfm files are normally kept in:


	   and assuming myfonts is in your home directory, you could
	   say something like this:

	   setenv TEXFONTS .:$HOME/myfonts:/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/tfm

	   Apparently (from vague experimental eveidence and a little
	   guessing on my part) you should also define a fontdesc
	   file. Copy /usr/local/lib/tex/fontdesc into myfonts,
	   then add the following lines at the end:

# myfonts

font	pk	*	3	/<HOME>/myfonts/%f.%mpk

	   <HOME> should be replaced with the full pathname. This
	   might not be required, but I don't know that and you don't
	   that, so who needs surprises.

	   Quite frankly I don't even know what the 3 is for. I
	   guessed and it worked, and I wasn't inclined to find out,
	   so there!

	7. Finally, you need to write some TeX code that will switch
	   to the right fonts AND implement correctly stretching
	   underlined space in between words. I did this (sort of) for
	   LaTeX.  I'll simply include the code at the end and you can
	   sort it out. It was originally in file underlined.sty. To
	   write it I simply followed the algorithm given in the
	   TeXbook. Caveat: the file assumes that some fonts have been
	   generated at various magnifications.

	   Underlined text is obtained using \begin{underline} ...
	   \end{underline}. Within the environment \hspace is
	   redefined to produce underlined space.

Well, I hope I remembered everything right and didn't leave to much
out. It's really not as complicated as it sounds. Resulting output
looks ok. I am sure those who really know what they are doing have run
out of hair to tear out by now, and I will be informed shortly of all
I did wrong, and why it was a perfectly stupid idea to begin with. So
i'll learn.

Hope this helps anyway.





  \UL@width   \UL@Fwidth
  \UL@stretch \UL@Fstretch
  \UL@shrink  \UL@Fshrink
  \ifnum \spacefactor > \tw@m \advance\UL@width \UL@Fextra \fi
  \ifnum \spacefactor = \@m \else
    \multiply \UL@stretch \spacefactor
    \divide   \UL@stretch \@m
    \multiply \UL@shrink  \@m
    \divide   \UL@shrink  \spacefactor

\def\UL@Glue{\hskip \UL@width plus \UL@stretch minus \UL@shrink}
\def\UL@Rule{\hrule depth 2.7pt height -2.3pt}

\newif\if@ULunskip \@ULunskiptrue
  \if@ULunskip\unskip\fi \@ULunskiptrue
{\catcode`\ =\active\gdef\UL@ActivateSpace{\catcode`\ =\active\let =\UL@Space}}

  \UL@Fwidth   = \fontdimen 2 \the\font
  \UL@Fstretch = \fontdimen 3 \the\font
  \UL@Fshrink  = \fontdimen 4 \the\font
  \UL@Fextra   = \fontdimen 7 \the\font}


  \ifnum \fam=\z@    \rm\else
  \ifnum \fam=\itfam \it\else
  \ifnum \fam=\slfam \sl\else
  \ifnum \fam=\bffam \bf\else
  \ifnum \fam=\ttfam \tt\else
  \ifnum \fam=\sffam \sf\else
  \ifnum \fam=\scfam \sc\else

  \expandafter\UL@SpaceRule #1\relax
  \vrule width\z@ \nobreak
  \expandafter\UL@SpaceRule #1\relax





  \def\UL@psc{\@getfont\UL@psc\scfam\@viiipt{ucmcsc10}}% KLUDGE

  \def\UL@psc{\@getfont\UL@psc\scfam\@ixpt{ucmcsc10}}% KLUDGE


  \def\UL@prm{\@getfont\UL@prm\z@\@xipt{ucmr10 \@halfmag}}%
  \def\UL@pit{\@getfont\UL@pit\itfam\@xipt{ucmti10 \@halfmag}}%
  \def\UL@psl{\@getfont\UL@psl\slfam\@xipt{ucmsl10 \@halfmag}}%
  \def\UL@pbf{\@getfont\UL@pbf\bffam\@xipt{ucmbx10 \@halfmag}}%
  \def\UL@ptt{\@getfont\UL@ptt\ttfam\@xipt{ucmtt10 \@halfmag}\@nohyphens\UL@ptt\@xipt}%
  \def\UL@psf{\@getfont\UL@psf\sffam\@xipt{ucmss10 \@halfmag}}%
  \def\UL@psc{\@getfont\UL@psc\scfam\@xipt{ucmcsc10 \@halfmag}}%

  \def\UL@psc{\@getfont\UL@psc\scfam\@xiipt{ucmcsc10 \@magscale1}}%

  \def\UL@prm{\@getfont\UL@prm\z@\@xivpt{ucmr10 \@magscale2}}%
  \def\UL@pit{\@getfont\UL@pit\itfam\@xivpt{ucmti10 \@magscale2}}%
  \def\UL@psl{\@getfont\UL@psl\slfam\@xivpt{ucmsl10 \@magscale2}}%
  \def\UL@pbf{\@getfont\UL@pbf\bffam\@xivpt{ucmbx10 \@magscale2}}%
  \def\UL@ptt{\@getfont\UL@ptt\ttfam\@xivpt{ucmtt10 \@magscale2}\@nohyphens\UL@ptt\@xivpt}%
  \def\UL@psf{\@getfont\UL@psf\sffam\@xivpt{ucmss10 \@magscale2}}%
  \def\UL@psc{\@getfont\UL@psc\scfam\@xivpt{ucmcsc10 \@magscale2}}%

  \def\UL@pit{\@getfont\UL@pit\itfam\@xviipt{ucmti10 \@magscale3}}%
  \def\UL@psl{\@getfont\UL@psl\slfam\@xviipt{ucmsl10 \@magscale3}}%
  \def\UL@pbf{\@getfont\UL@pbf\bffam\@xviipt{ucmbx10 \@magscale3}}%
  \def\UL@ptt{\@getfont\UL@ptt\ttfam\@xviipt{ucmtt10 \@magscale3}\@nohyphens\UL@ptt\@xviipt}%
  \def\UL@psf{\@getfont\UL@psf\sffam\@xviipt{ucmss10 \@magscale3}}%
  \def\UL@psc{\@getfont\UL@psc\scfam\@xviipt{ucmcsc10 \@magscale3}}%

  \def\UL@prm{\@getfont\UL@prm\z@\@xxpt{ucmr10 \@magscale4}}%
  \def\UL@pit{\@getfont\UL@pit\itfam\@xxpt{ucmti10 \@magscale4}}%
  \def\UL@psl{\@getfont\UL@psl\slfam\@xxpt{ucmsl10 \@magscale4}}%
  \def\UL@pbf{\@getfont\UL@pbf\bffam\@xxpt{ucmbx10 \@magscale4}}%
  \def\UL@ptt{\@getfont\UL@ptt\ttfam\@xxpt{ucmtt10 \@magscale4}\@nohyphens\UL@ptt\@xxpt}%
  \def\UL@psf{\@getfont\UL@psf\sffam\@xxpt{ucmss10 \@magscale4}}%
  \def\UL@psc{\@getfont\UL@psc\scfam\@xxpt{ucmcsc10 \@magscale4}}%

  \def\UL@prm{\@getfont\UL@prm\z@\@xxvpt{ucmr10 \@magscale5}}%
  \def\UL@pbf{\@getfont\UL@pbf\bffam\@xxvpt{ucmbx10 \@magscale5}}%