[comp.text.tex] APA Bibliography Style

young@ut-emx.UUCP (Young) (07/27/90)

Are there any LaTeX and BibTeX style files supporting
the APA bibliography format (APA = American
Psychological Association).

The APA format looks like:

  [1] In the Reference or Bibliography section ---

      Bass, B.M. (1979). Confessions of a Former Male Chauvinist.
               American Psychologist, 34 (4), 194-195.
               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^

      Peterson, D., Smith, P.O., & Thompson, L. (1989).
               Abnormal Behavior (2nd ed.), St. Lous, MO: Mosby.

      Terms above ^^^^^^ are italics.

  [2] In the body of text ---

      (1) If the reference appears for the first time,

          It has been shown that (Peterson, Smith, & Thompson, 1989) ...

      (2) If it appears again,

          The most frequent abnormal behaviors (Peterson et. al., 1989) ...

      (3) If the name(s) of author(s) is in the text,

          Bass (1979) argued that ...

  [3] More than one reference ---

      ... previous research works (Bass, 1979, 1980; Peterson et al., 1989) .

In addition:
	ed. = edition		Tech. Rep. = technical report
	Ed. (Eds.) = editor(s)	Trans. = translator(s)

Thanks in advance

Young @ Univ. of Texas at Austin

Internet: young@emx.utexas.edu
Bitnet:   BGBG767@UTAIVC

dhosek@sif.claremont.edu (Hosek, Donald A.) (07/28/90)

In article <34553@ut-emx.UUCP>, young@ut-emx.UUCP (Young) writes...

>Are there any LaTeX and BibTeX style files supporting
>the APA bibliography format (APA = American
>Psychological Association).

on ymir.claremont.edu



Don Hosek                         TeX, LaTeX, and Metafont Consulting and
dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu         production work. Free Estimates.
uunet!jarthur!ymir                Phone: 714-625-0147