[comp.text.tex] an environment for large tables

duchier@cs.yale.edu (Denys Duchier) (07/29/90)

Here is another contribution to the old problem of splitting very
large tables across pages.  I define a `Tabular' environment which is
essentially identical to LaTeX's `tabular' environment, except it
doesn't take an optional argument and horizontal positioning is
controlled by \Tabularleftskip and \Tabularrightskip (default is


%  Tabular.sty
%  Denys Duchier, Yale University, July 1990
%  This file defines a \Tabular environment which is essentially
%  similar to the \tabular environment but is able to handle very
%  large tables which have to be split across pages.
%  The major distinction is that \Tabular doesn't take an optional
%  argument.  It behaves much like \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth} with
%  \Tabularleftskip and \Tabularrightskip used as the stretchable glue
%  on either side.  Also, instead of contributing the table as a large
%  box, it performs a \unvbox so that individual rows are contributed
%  instead and page breaks can occur between them.
%              \begin{Tabular}{...} ... \end{Tabular}
%  has essentially the same effect as:
%  \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{...} ... \end{tabular}\end{center}
%  but may be split across pages.
%      {\Tabularleftskip  = 0pt
%       \Tabularrightskip = 0pt
%       \begin{Tabular}{@{}l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}cr@{}}
%           ...
%       \end{Tabular}}
%  will produce a 3 column table with the left column flushed left,
%  the right column flushed right, and equal spacing between the
%  columns.

\newskip\Tabularleftskip  \Tabularleftskip\@flushglue
\newskip\Tabularrightskip \Tabularrightskip\@flushglue


%  let's count the number of columns so that we know how many columns
%  hlines must span.


%  allow page breaks between rows


\def\@argTabularcr[#1]{\ifnum0=`{\fi}\ifdim #1>\z@ 
   \unskip\@xargarraycr{#1}\else \@yargarraycr{#1}\fi

%  \hline is redefined to output 2 lines one on top of the other, with
%  a slightly more encouraging \pagebreak than between normal rows.
%  Thus, if a page break must occur, there will a line at the bottom,
%  and it will be repeated at the top of the next page too.  This is
%  visually much more appealing.


        height\arraystretch \ht\strutbox
        depth\arraystretch  \dp\strutbox
    \edef\@preamble{\halign to\linewidth\bgroup
      \tabskip\z@ \@arstrut \@preamble
      \tabskip\Tabularrightskip \cr}%
