sommer@BINAH.CC.BRANDEIS.EDU (08/11/90)
For most of my documents, I require a fairly big preamble wherein I define all sorts of things, especially journal abbreviations, so for convenience and to conserve disk space I store preamble.tex in an out of the way directory. %%% preamble.tex \documentstyle[several style options]{article} \newcommands .... \newenvironments ... ... %%% \begin{document} This way, I just begin my papers with \input{preamble} % only a few more article-specific preamble items \begin{document} This is my text ... The most common ``problem'' I have is wanting to change between 10, 11, and 12 pt options, in order to get the biggest font on the fewest pages. (I LaTeX in each font size and read the log file for number of pages -- e.g., if 10pt --> 6 pages, 11pt --> 6, 12pt --> 7, I will usually print out the 11pt document.) This tends to produce a last page with the ``fullest'' appearance. Using the \input{preamble} approach, IS THERE SOME EASY WAY TO SPECIFY 10, 11, 12 PT style options OUTSIDE OF THE \documentstyle[options] line so I can include it in the specific file. \input{preamble} % SOME COMMAND TO SPECIfY 10, 11 or 12 pt FONT \begin{document} Maybe somebody will recommend using a magstep command (I'm mostly a LaTeXer, not a TeXer!!). Will that properly scale _everything_ and _identically_ reproduce output from previous runs using [12pt] as a genuine style option? Other ideas? Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.