[comp.text.tex] Making \\ into a terminator instead of a separator

aglew@dwarfs.crhc.uiuc.edu (Andy Glew) (08/13/90)

In LaTeX, is there any way to make \\ (as used in the tabular
environment, and friends) into a terminator rather than a separator?

Ie. instead of

    	\cltabbox{  % a macro for a self sizing parbox
    	    foo \\
    	    bar	    % nb. no \\ permitted

I want 

    	\cltabbox{  % a macro for a self sizing parbox
    	    foo \\
    	    bar	\\  % \\ permitted

Because I find the terminator style easier to deal with, eg.
adding/deleting lines, than the seapartor, for the same reason C ; is
a terminator, as opposed to Pascal's separator ;.

(NB. I do not want to get into an argument about the benefits of
terminators vs. separators; I just want to know how to make \\ into
a terminator)

Andy Glew, a-glew@uiuc.edu [get ph nameserver from uxc.cso.uiuc.edu:net/qi]