[comp.text.tex] Footnote problem in LaTeX

nedludd@ut-emx.UUCP (whoever) (08/15/90)

(Forgive me if this has been asked before.  I am a new LaTeX user
and thus haven't read the newsgroup before.)

I can't figure out how to make a footnote with a symbol rather than
a number.  I've gone to the relevant section of the manual, where
it says 

    Produces a footnote. . . .The num argument is a positive
    integer, even when footnotes are "numbered" with letters
    or other symbols. . . .

So I guess it can be done.  But it doesn't tell how!!

I have found a numbering command called "\fnsymbol{ctr}", which can
only be used in math mode.  I've tried numerous combinations of
\footnote with $\fnsymbol{1}$ (the 1 here connotes a "*", which is
what I want); nothing works.

I am, most sincerely,
charles s. geiger, esq.

"Down with all kings but King Ludd" -- Byron

schwer@unix.SRI.COM (Len Schwer) (08/15/90)

In article <35932@ut-emx.UUCP> nedludd@ut-emx.UUCP (whoever) writes:
>I can't figure out how to make a footnote with a symbol rather than
>a number.  


	if this works
		write it in the bottom margin on page 175
		of you LaTeX manual   :-)
				--Len Schwer