[comp.text.tex] Generic LaTeX document styles

Alan.Jeffrey@prg.oxford.ac.uk (08/17/90)

I find I'm occasionally writing new LaTeX document styles, for things
like technical notes, my thesis, the proceedings of a colloquium I
typeset, and so on.  All of these are varients on article.sty,
report.sty or book.sty, and contain quite a lot of overlap.  

I am thinking of writing a generic .sty file that provides high-level
macros for writing new document styles, to save myself some of the
effort.  But before I set out on this I thought I'd find out if I'm
reinventing the wheel.  Has anyone else written generic .sty files for
LaTeX documents?



Alan.Jeffrey@prg.ox.ac.uk, Programming Research Group, 11 Keble Rd, Oxford, UK.