[comp.text.tex] Listing of metafont sources -- changes since last posting

lee@sq.sq.com (Liam R. E. Quin) (08/23/90)

These are the differences between the two most recent postings of
the list of Metafont fonts.

[please let me know if this is useful -- Lee]

RCS file: mf-fonts,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 mf-fonts
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a26302	Wed Aug 22 23:16:54 1990
--- mf-fonts	Wed Aug 22 23:12:16 1990
*** 20,34 ****
--- 20,38 ----
  	How to use Metafont fonts with TeX
  	How to use Metafont fonts with Troff
  	Where to get bitmap versions of the fonts
+ 	Converting between font formats
  	Fonts: AMS (see under Euler)
  	Fonts: APL (A Programming Language)
  	Fonts: Babel -- language support
  	Fonts: Bar Code
+ 	Fonts: Chess
+ 	Fonts: Chinese
  	Fonts: Committee
  	Fonts: Computer Modern
  	Fonts: Concrete
  	Fonts: Cyrillic
+ 	Fonts: Devanagari
  	Fonts: Dingbats
  	Fonts: Euler
  	Fonts: Godel
*** 42,47 ****
--- 46,52 ----
  	Fonts: Pandora
  	Fonts: Pointing Hands
  	Fonts: Punk
+ 	Fonts: Sanskrit (see Fonts: Devanagari)
  	Fonts: Sauter
  	Fonts: Tengwar
*** 121,129 ****
  Subject:  How to use Metafont fonts with Troff
  If, when you run troff, you get the message `typesetter busy', you have the
! original Osanna-troff, also called otroff.  Chris Lewis has a package which
! will let you use TeX fonts with troff -- it's called thack, I believe, and
  comes with documentation.
  If, when you run troff, you get something like this:
  	x T 300
--- 126,136 ----
  Subject:  How to use Metafont fonts with Troff
  If, when you run troff, you get the message `typesetter busy', you have the
! original Ossanna-troff, also called otroff.  Chris Lewis has a package which
! will let you use TeX fonts with troff -- it's called psroff, and
  comes with documentation.
+ ftp: gatekeeper.dec.com ( pub/misc/psroff-2.0.tar.Z
+ ftp: cs.toronto.edu [] pub/psroff.tar.Z
  If, when you run troff, you get something like this:
  	x T 300
*** 146,151 ****
--- 153,176 ----
  In each case, you should be able to get help from your vendor.
+ Subject: Converting between font formats
+ Conversions to and from pfm and pk format were posted to comp.text.tex
+ and to alt.sources on the 9th of August, 1990 by Angus Duggan
+ (ajcd@cs.ed.ac.uk).
+ Psroff includes a program to go from pk to the HP LaserJet.
+ John McClain (ophelp@tamvenus.bitnet) has some conversion programs for
+ various graphics formats to/and from pk files (???)
+ CAPTURE turns HPGL files into PK format (a PC program, $130 from
+ 	Micro Programs Inc., 251 Jackson Ave., Syosset, NY 11791
+ Metaplot can take pen-plotter files and prouce metafont files
+ wilcox@cis.ohio-state.edu
  Subject:  Where to get bitmap versions of the fonts
  There are archives containing the bitmaps of many of these fonts at various
*** 170,184 ****
  The American Mathematical Society has adopted TeX, and has had some fonts
  designed especially by Herman Zapf.  These are known as the Euler fonts,
! and are described below.  The Metafont sources are not available by
! anonymous ftp, however.
  Subject: Fonts: APL (A Programming Language)
! [no archive site listed]
  Subject: Fonts: Babel -- language support
  The Babel archive at ymir.claremont.edu contains:
--- 195,232 ----
  The American Mathematical Society has adopted TeX, and has had some fonts
  designed especially by Herman Zapf.  These are known as the Euler fonts,
! and are described below.  The Metafont sources are now available by ftp.
+ NOTE that you should build these using virmf, or at least with a version
+ of Matafont that does not have cmbase pre-loaded.  You may also get
+ errors reported when building some of the smaller sizes -- simply press
+ return.
+ There are
+ * AMS Euler -- a calligraphic font.  This is not suitable as it stands for
+   text use in TeX, because it has a non-standard encoding.
+ * AMS extra maths symbols
+ * AMS computer modern extensions
+ * AMS Cyrillic
+ There is also some dosumentation.
+ You can get them from the ams or from ymir:
+ ftp: math.ams.com [] /ams/amsfonts/sources
+ ftp: ymir.claremont.edu (
  Subject: Fonts: APL (A Programming Language)
! ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd SOFTWARE:[anonymous.tex.misc]
! ftp: (the file is cmapl10.mf).  Associated macros and documentation are in
! ftp: SOFTWARE:[anonymous:tex:periodicals.tugboat] 
+ ftp: power.eee.ndsu.nodak.edu ( apl-tex-font/27-Jul-90
  Subject: Fonts: Babel -- language support
  The Babel archive at ymir.claremont.edu contains:
*** 189,194 ****
--- 237,243 ----
  * Hebrew fonts:
    REDIS (a thin-looking sans serif)
+   burkis (coming in January??)
  * Icelandic
    Icelandic Modern (this is Computer Modern with extensions)
*** 196,201 ****
--- 245,251 ----
  * Russian (Cyrillic)
    IFVE's cmc family
    U Washington's wncyr family
+   Bashkiren/Mongolian (not sure if this is there yet)
  * Turkish
    Turkish Modern (this is Computer Modern with extensions)
*** 203,211 ****
  ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.babel]
  Subject: Fonts: Bar Code
! Dmitri Vulis's barcode font
  ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.mf]
--- 253,280 ----
  ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.babel]
+ Subject: Fonts: Chess
+ Some chess typesetting macrtos were posted to comp.tex.tex on July 31st
+ 1990.  The chess fonts are available for ftp from ymir.
+ ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.misc]
+ Subject: Fonts: Chinese
+ ChTeX is a set of macros and fonts for typesetting Chinese under TeX.
+ It only supports PostScript, and requires a modivied dvi2ps.  You write
+ your article with PinYin.
+ ftp: (name: chiris.stevens-tech.edu)
+ ftp: note that the usercode is "ftp", not "anonymous".
+ Included are source, fonts, VMS binary for 5.2, DOS binary, etc.
  Subject: Fonts: Bar Code
! Dimitri Vulis's barcode font
  ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.mf]
*** 212,217 ****
--- 281,289 ----
  Subject: Fonts: Committee
  This was produced during a workshop tutorial given by Donald Knuth.
+ This is said (by Don Hosek, whom I trust in such things) to be hard-wired
+ for the APS typesetter...  It is described in Tugboat Vol. 5 No. 2 (Nov. 84).
  [no archive site listed]
*** 220,226 ****
  Computer Modern is Donald Knuth's font family used for his later
  `Art of Computer Programming' books.  It contains
  	cmr -- computer modern roman
! 	cmti [sic] -- computer modern italic
  	cmb -- computer modern bold
  	cmss -- computer modern sans serif
  	cmtt -- computer modern typewriter
--- 292,299 ----
  Computer Modern is Donald Knuth's font family used for his later
  `Art of Computer Programming' books.  It contains
  	cmr -- computer modern roman
! 	cmmi -- computer modern maths italic
! 	cmti -- computer modern text italic
  	cmb -- computer modern bold
  	cmss -- computer modern sans serif
  	cmtt -- computer modern typewriter
*** 243,248 ****
--- 316,325 ----
  ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.mf]
  Many TeX ftp archive sites give access to the bitmaps (pk files).
+ Versions of these fonts suitable for use with an X Windows previewer (xtex
+ and SeeTeX) are available from
+ ftp: foobar.colorado.edu pub/SeeTeX
  Subject: Fonts: Concrete
  This font was designed for Donald Knuth's Concrete Mathematics book.
*** 261,267 ****
--- 338,362 ----
  ftp: june.cs.washington.edu (
+ There is a mailing list, rustex-l, for discussion of typesetting
+ Cyrilic-based languages.  To subscribe, send mail to listserv@ubvm.bitnet
+ containing the text
+  SUBSCRIBE RUSTEX-L <your name here>
+ See also Fonts: Babel.
+ Subject: Fonts: Devanagari
+ (this is a font for use with Sanskrit)
+ Created by Frans Velthuis in 1987/88 and is available from him
+ (Velthuis@hgrrug5.earn) for a small charge.  PK only -- no metafont.
+ [so I was told by Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@ucl.ac.uk> --- I have not been
+  able to send mail to this address -- let me know if you succeed!
+  -- Lee]
  Subject: Fonts: Dingbats
  By Doug Henderson.
*** 270,284 ****
  Subject: Fonts: Euler
! These were designed by Herman Zapf for the American Mathematical Society,
! from whom the metafont files are available (with restrictions).
! There is a German Fraktur font and a calligraphic font.
  Subject: Fonts: Greek
! (unknown greek font)
  ftp: xydeco.siemens.com ( -- greek*
  Also the Sylvio Levy `gr' greek family, for both Modern and Classical Greek.
  This includes roman, typewriter and bold, plus TeX macros.
--- 365,382 ----
  Subject: Fonts: Euler
! These were designed by Herman Zapf for the American Mathematical Society.
! See AMS.
! The fonts are Fraktur, Script, Upright Italic, Math extension.
! (see TUGboat Vol. 10 No. 1)
  Subject: Fonts: Greek
! Sylvio Levy's Greek font
  ftp: xydeco.siemens.com ( -- greek*
+ ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.babel.greek.levy]
  Also the Sylvio Levy `gr' greek family, for both Modern and Classical Greek.
  This includes roman, typewriter and bold, plus TeX macros.
*** 302,312 ****
  Subject:  Fonts: Helvetica
  Produced by the Metafoundry and sold commercially.
! This is all I know, sorry.  I do not have an address for the Metafoundry,
! and do not know if they have other fonts.  I will try to find out, but
! would appreciate any information on these and other commercial suppliers.
  Subject:  Fonts: Hershey
  The Hershey fonts were designed for use by plotters, and published in 1972.
--- 400,417 ----
  Subject:  Fonts: Helvetica
  Produced by the Metafoundry and sold commercially.
! Unfortunately they do not distribute the Metafont sources, so they are
! not really very useful in this file ... :-( :-(
+ 	The Metafounndry,
+ 	OCLC Inc., MC 485
+ 	6565 Frantz Road
+ 	Dublin, OH 43017
+ 	USA
+ 	+1 614 764-6087
  Subject:  Fonts: Hershey
  The Hershey fonts were designed for use by plotters, and published in 1972.
*** 313,319 ****
  These fonts are of relatively low typographic quality, but are useful on
  devices with lower resolution.
! [no archive site listed]
  Subject:  Fonts: International Phonetic Alphabet
--- 418,425 ----
  These fonts are of relatively low typographic quality, but are useful on
  devices with lower resolution.
! ftp: cs.uoregon.edu []
! I am not sure if these are the original or the metafont versions, thouygh.
  Subject:  Fonts: International Phonetic Alphabet
*** 327,334 ****
  MuTeX is a basic music package for TeX.  It seems to be the same as mtex,
  but with documentation in English rather than (or as well as) German.
- ftp: stolaf.edu ( /TeX/MuTeX
  Subject:  Fonts: OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
  OCR A (this is not the font for printingon cheques)
--- 433,447 ----
  MuTeX is a basic music package for TeX.  It seems to be the same as mtex,
  but with documentation in English rather than (or as well as) German.
+ ftp: stolaf.edu [] /pub/MuTeX.tar.Z
+ ftp: suned.zoo.cs.yale.edu [128.36.21]
+ ftp: cs.ubc.edu [] src/MuTeX/MuTeX.tar.Z (slow)
+ In Europe,
+ ftp: praxis.cs.ruu.nl [] in subdirectory TEX:
  Subject:  Fonts: OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
  OCR A (this is not the font for printingon cheques)
*** 356,361 ****
--- 469,478 ----
  ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.mf]
+ Subject: Fonts: Sanskrit
+ (see Fonts: Devanagari)
  Subject:  Fonts: Sauter
  This is a rework of Computer Modern.  The outlines are the same, as far as
*** 366,382 ****
  Subject:  Fonts: Tengwar
! There are at least two Tengwar fonts, although I have only been able to get
! hold of one of them.
! ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.mf]
  End of Font List
! $Header: /home/lee/tex/mf-fonts,v 1.1 90/06/17 18:10:26 lee Exp $
  $Log:	mf-fonts,v $
  # Revision 1.1  90/06/17  18:10:26  lee
  # Initial revision
--- 483,510 ----
  Subject:  Fonts: Tengwar
! There are at least two Tengwar fonts,
! Mike Urban's:
! ftp: ymir.claremont.edu ( cd [anonymous.tex.mf.tengwar]
+ Julian Bradfield <jcb@lfcs.edinburgh.ac.uk> also has both Tengwar and a
+ prototype version of Cirth runes.  Email only, although I have a copy and
+ can mail them to you if you can't reach Julian.  I prefer Julian's
+ Tengwar, I think, but I am not an expert on Tolkien fonts...
  End of Font List
! $Header: /home/lee/tex/mf-fonts,v 1.3 90/08/22 23:12:03 lee Exp $
  $Log:	mf-fonts,v $
+ # Revision 1.3  90/08/22  23:12:03  lee
+ # Lots more information added...
+ # 
+ # Revision 1.2  90/08/22  21:21:30  lee
+ # Added a source for tengwar.
+ # 
  # Revision 1.1  90/06/17  18:10:26  lee
  # Initial revision

Liam R. E. Quin,  lee@sq.com, {utai,utzoo}!sq!lee,  SoftQuad Inc., Toronto
Nicholas: [...]  The best/ Thing we can do is to make wherever we're lost in
Look as much like home as we can. [Christopher Fry, The Lady's Not For Burning]