[comp.text.tex] emTeX, TUG, and gratuitious rudeness


We've been playing eith emTeX drivers, and I'm very very happy with them.
In particular, they work with PK fonts (we haven't had any PXL files around
our disks for quite some time). It doesn't bother me that there are a few
extra instructions in the driver that will make use of PXL fonts if PK files
can't be found. But it evidently bothers Don Hosek so much that he said:

>The emTeX drivers have one great weakness: they use PXL files (or
>at least the last release I looked at did). Arguments against PXL
>files: they're big (PK files average around 17% the size of PXL
>files. Maybe some of you have gobs of disk space to blow on this
>sort of thing, but most micro people I know don't), they only
>support 128 characters in a font (a big problem for the new
>generations of fonts being created with ISO 8859 coding).

Unless my understanding of written English is worse than I believe, you seem
to imply that emTeX drivers work ONLY with PXL fonts, and because of this
dismiss the entire package. The truth is that em's drivers work fine with PK
files, and his TeX itself is on par with commercial implementations that
sell for hundreds of dollars, and yet it's free. Many thanks to Eberhard
Mattes for making the results of his work available to the people! In my
opinion, your posting illustrates the bigger problem that TUG leadership
seems to have. TUG is closely associated with a few unscrupulous individuals
that peddle commercial implementations of TeX, your TUGBoat pushes these
commercial implementations in every issue, and practically never mentions
the existence of free, yet equally good, TeX implementations for MS-DOS, and
now you stoop to posting a falsehood in comp.text.tex to denigrate one of
the better free TeXs. Frankly, I am growing disgusted with TUG, and am
seriously considering not renewing my TUG membership next year.

Dimitri Vulis