[comp.text.tex] Writing hyphen.tex for non-English Languages

glenn@suphys.physics.su.OZ.AU (09/14/90)

	I wonder if anyone has a document (other than Liang's Thesis) that
describes how to assign the small integers to the various fragments that
occur in hyphen.tex. I'm trying to build a Spanish version for a friend and
would like to base the hyphenation on that specified in 'Hart's Rules'.

Failing a general description of how to do this I'd like to get hold of some
non-English hyphen.tex's (particularly Spanish). 

Can anyone help?
					Thanks in advance,


Glenn Geers                       | "So when it's over, we're back to people.
Department of Theoretical Physics |  Just to prove that human touch can have
The University of Sydney          |  no equal."
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia         |  - Basia Trzetrzelewska, 'Prime Time TV'



The best way to obtain patterns is to run the program called PATGEN. When I
created Russian hyphenation patterns, I preloaded a few obvious ones, then
fed a large list of hyphenated words to PATGEN. I highly recommend Kellerman
& Smith's change file if you can get it. (I started with it to create a
change file for PATGEN for MS-DOS---it makes PATGEN a lot friendlier.)

Dimitri Vulis

"Administrator", RusTeX-L mailing list