[comp.text.tex] problems printing out included ps files using dvi2ps

weintrb@CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Mike Weintraub) (09/18/90)

This posting follows after a lack of success in getting the problem
solved here at OSU.  What is happening is I have a set of postscript
files created using framemaker, and when trying to use \special to
include these files in a latex figure, nothing appears on my printouts
after using dvi2ps.  Ok, here goes:

  Ok, after some incantation, I got the
\special{psfile=my-favorite-graph.ps \hoffset=etc.} to include the
figure in the printout.  It actually worked and I was happy.  Now I
have a lot of figures in my current opus, and nothing comes out again.
Does anyone have a clue why this is happening?  (I'm sorry that
Framemaker doesn't do bibliographies because I could set up the diss
format fast).

	Frustratedly yours (macdraw + glue stick + scissors is easier
than \special),


The problem is not with my \special declarations because when I create
documents such as:

\special{psfile=myfile voffset=-500 hoffset=-500}
\caption{Yes, it did work}

it did work.  Now I include about 5 ps files and it doesn't.  I appreciate
the help and look for more comments.

Michael Weintraub			Lab for AI Research (LAIR)
					CIS Dept, OSU
weintrb@cis.ohio-state.edu		2036 Neil Ave Mall
(614) 292 - 7402			Columbus, Ohio  43210-1277