[comp.text.tex] Springer-Verlag recommendations

louarn@yin.irisa.fr (09/24/90)

Does anybony know if Springer-Verlag's recommendations for LaTeX files
are also used by other editors or publishers (e.g Prentice-Hall) ?


Philippe Louarn - Inria/Irisa - Campus de Beaulieu - F-35042 Rennes - France

ralph@laas.fr (Ralph P. Sobek) (09/26/90)

In the same vein as Philippe Louarn's question, does there exist a
Springer-Verlag style file for LaTeX?


Ralph P. Sobek			  Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own.
ralph@laas.fr				   Addresses are ordered by importance.
ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!laas!ralph		
If all else fails, try:				      sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU
Reliable software should kill people reliably! -Andy Mickel, Pascal News #13,78

jourdan@minos.inria.fr (Martin Jourdan) (09/28/90)

In article <RALPH.90Sep26115127@orion.laas.fr>, ralph@laas.fr (Ralph P.
Sobek) writes:
=> In the same vein as Philippe Louarn's question, does there exist a
=> Springer-Verlag style file for LaTeX?

Here is the one that I use:

% Style file for Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science
% series.
% Uses the ``12pt chars on 16x23.5cm output size'' option and center
% on A4 page.
% Martin Jourdan, INRIA (jourdan@minos.inria.fr), Thu May 17 1990
\ifnum \@ptsize < 2 % check char size
    \edef\@tempc{A paper for the LNCS series should be
	set in 12pt base character size.^^JAbort immediately by typing `x' and
	use `12pt' as a documentstyle option.}%
    \errmessage{Not in 12pt base size}
\oddsidemargin 0 in
\evensidemargin 0 in
\marginparwidth 0 in
\headheight 0pt
\headsep 0pt
\topmargin -1.2cm               % to center vertically



NOTE: this is by no means official, but it seems to match S-V's specs
fairly well.  At least I never had any remark about papers I produced using it.

Martin Jourdan <jourdan@minos.inria.fr>, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France.
Why do we need all these %$#@%$# disclaimers?!?