[comp.text.tex] Bibliography management tools for BiBTeX

naren@cs.UAlberta.CA (Narendra Ravi) (10/05/90)


 Are there tools for creating and managing BiBTeX style
 bibliography databases?
 I refer to the tools similar to those provided for the
 refer format in most UNIX systems (addbib, lookbib,
 indxbib, ... ).

 I remember such a discussion took place in this newsgroup
 a few weeks ago. But our site doesn't have those articles

Please email or post.

* Narendra Ravi                  * 615, General Services Building,    *
* Email : naren@cs.ualberta.ca   * Department of Computing Science    *
* Tel   : (403) 492-3520 (Off)   * University of Alberta              *
*         (403) 439-6301 (Res)   * Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G 2H1  *

skdutta@cs.tamu.edu (Saumen K Dutta) (10/05/90)

In article <naren.655095507@menaik> naren@cs.UAlberta.CA (Narendra Ravi) writes:
-> Are there tools for creating and managing BiBTeX style
-> bibliography databases?
-> I refer to the tools similar to those provided for the
-> refer format in most UNIX systems (addbib, lookbib,
-> indxbib, ... ).
-> I remember such a discussion took place in this newsgroup
-> a few weeks ago. But our site doesn't have those articles
-> anymore.
->Please email or post.

Sometime back I wrote and posted a program which works in unix
environment and written in shell script. This does not deal with
styles however. It is a like addbib for TeX/LaTeX. I am not posting
it again to increase the load. If anybody is interested to evaluate it
send me a request.


     _                                   ||Internet: skdutta@cssun.tamu.edu  
    (   /_     _ /   --/-/- _            ||Bitnet : skd8107@tamvenus.bitnet 
   __)_/(_____(_/_(_/_(_(__(_/_______    ||Uucp : uunet!cssun.tamu.edu!skdutta
                                 ..      ||Yellnet: (409) 846-8803

kolb@itksu5kub.nl (Hans-Peter Kolb) (10/05/90)

In article <naren.655095507@menaik>, naren@cs.UAlberta.CA (Narendra
Ravi) writes:
 |>  Are there tools for creating and managing BiBTeX style
 |>  bibliography databases?
 |>  I refer to the tools similar to those provided for the
 |>  refer format in most UNIX systems (addbib, lookbib,
 |>  indxbib, ... ).

Have you ever looked at Tib - "a TeX bibliographic preprocessor" by
J.C.Alexander (last known email address: jca@lakisis.umd.edu)?

It uses a refer-style database rather than bibTeX, so you can just use
addbib (with a prompt-file if you want to have all the nifty niceties
Tib allows you to have). The tib-package itself consists of 
      tib           the preprocessor
      tibdex        the indexmaker
      tiblist       lists the complete database(s)
      tiblook       locate entries

It is at least as powerful, and, IMHO, more flexible and
than BibTeX. 

Best..., hap

P.S.: No connection, "just a satisfied user".

 hans-peter kolb                                            kolb@kub.nl
 Computational Linguistics                          kolb@htikub5.bitnet
 Tilburg University (KUB)                                P.O.Box 90 153
 The Netherlands                                     NL-5000 LE Tilburg

panos@db.toronto.edu (Panos Economopoulos) (10/05/90)

naren@cs.UAlberta.CA (Narendra Ravi) writes:


> Are there tools for creating and managing BiBTeX style
> bibliography databases?
> I refer to the tools similar to those provided for the
> refer format in most UNIX systems (addbib, lookbib,
> indxbib, ... ).

Kannan Varadhan has written a nice package called ``bibtools''
which allows you to insert/delete/select (using regular expressions)
entries to/from .bib bibliographic databases.

`bibtools' is   v09i046 in any    comp.sources.misc   archive.

The only other thing you need in order to install it is 
a regular expression package like the one written by Henry Spencer.
You can find it in comp.sources.unix in the following volumes:


Kannan's address is (was last spring, as far as I know):
	Kannan Varadhan, Internet Engineer, OARNet
	Ohio Supercomputer Center, Columbus, OH 43212	+1 (614) 292-4137
	email:	kannan@oar.net	|  osu-cis!malgudi.oar.net!kannan

Panos Economopoulos --         panos@csri.toronto.edu      (ARPA/CSNet)
University of Toronto          {uunet, ...}!utcsri!panos   (UUCP)
                               panos@csri.utoronto	      (Bitnet)
                               panos@csri.toronto.cdn      (CDNnet/EAN/X.400)

usenet@nlm.nih.gov (usenet news poster) (10/06/90)

I've written some Gnu Emacs lisp code that parses .BIB files and
could be used to manage them in various ways.  Drop me a line to
get a copy.  


usenet@nlm.nih.gov (usenet news poster) (10/09/90)

The Gnu Emacs code that I sent many of you by email was missing the
function "next-word".  Here is the complete version:

;;;;    GnuEmacs functions for manipulating Scribe and BibTeX bibliography
;;;;    (.BIB) files.  This package contains functions that:
;;;;      Convert a bibliography (.BIB) file in Scribe format to BibTeX format.
;;;;      Convert a .BIB file in BibTeX format to a more readable text form.
;;;;    Peter Karp -- karp@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
;;;;       Nov 1988:  Created
;;;;       June 1990: Revised by pkarp@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov to convert .BIB
;;;;                  files to text form.
;;;;    This software may be redistributed freely as long as this leading
;;;;    text is not removed.  Use this software at your own risk.
;;;;    Please send bugs, suggestions, improvements to the above address.
;;;;    To use:
;;;;    m-X load-file cnvtbib.el
;;;;    m-X eval-expression (cvbib "file.bib")   ; Scribe .BIB --> BibTeX .BIB
;;;;    m-X eval-expression (bib2txt "file.bib") ; BibTeX .BIB --> text form
;;;;  BUGS:
;;;;      (Scribe --> BibTeX conversion)
;;;;      BibTex will complain if author names are not separated by
;;;;      "and"; this converter does not add necessary "and"s.  However,
;;;;      the command "^X," will do a query-replace of "," to " and",
;;;;      which you may find helpful.  Note that BibTex will also complain
;;;;      if names are separated by ", and".  This converter does remove
;;;;      these commas.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  cvbib

; Convert a Scribe-format .bib file to Latex format.

(defun  cvbib  (filename)
  (let  (dpos)

    (find-file-other-window filename)

; First modify all entries so that the delimiters used for the entry
; are "{}".  So we'd convert  @book< ... >  to @book{ ... }

    (while (search-forward "@" nil t)
	  (forward-word 1)
	  (setq dpos (point))
	  (backward-delete-char 1)
	  (insert-string "}")
	  (goto-char dpos)
	  (delete-char 1)
	  (insert-string "{")


; Now convert all key fields from, e.g.,  AUTHOR=<PKARP>  to  AUTHOR="PKARP"
; Note that some key fields aren't delimited by anything, which is ok but
; requires a special check in the code below.

    (while  (search-forward "=" nil t)
	(while  (search-forward " " (+ 1 (point)) t)
        (if (assoc (point-char) all_delims)
	      (setq dpos (point))
	      (backward-delete-char 1)
	      (insert-string "\"")
	      (goto-char dpos)
	      (delete-char 1)
	      (insert-string "\"")


;;;;  Change all ", AND" within AUTHOR and EDITOR strings to " AND"
;;;;  because BibTex complains about the former.

    (while (re-search-forward "AUTHOR\\s-*=\\s-*" nil t)
      (setq dpos (point))
      (while (re-search-backward ",\\s-*AND" dpos t)
	(delete-char 1))


    (while (re-search-forward "EDITORS\\s-*=\\s-*" nil t)
      (setq dpos (point))
      (while (re-search-backward ",\\s-*AND" dpos t)
	(delete-char 1))



;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  and-replace

(defun  and-replace  ()
  "Does query-replace conversion of `,' to ` and' for bibliography conversion"
  (query-replace "," " and")

(global-set-key "," 'and-replace)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  bib2txt

; Convert a Latex .BIB file to a more readable text form.  See
; function (entry2txt) for details on how this is done.

(defun bib2txt (filename &optional quiet_flg)
  (let (x)

    (find-file-other-window filename)

; Process @string definitions; for @string{AI="AI"} create a lisp variable
; called AI whose value is "AI".

    (while (search-forward "@string" nil t)
	     (setq start (dot))
	     (search-forward "=" nil t)
	     (backward-word 1)
	     (forward-word 1)
	     (setq variable (intern (buffer-substring start (dot))))
	     (search-forward "\"" nil t)
	     (setq start (dot))
	     (search-forward "\"" nil t)
	     (backward-char 1)
	     (setq value (buffer-substring start (dot)))
	     (set variable value)

    (search-forward "@" nil t)
    (backward-char 1)
    (kill-region 1 (point))     ; Kill  the @string definitions

; Convert each entry to text form.

    (while (search-forward "@" nil t)



; Some entries may still contain extra tabs and spaces at the beginning
; of lines.  Remove this crap and reformat the entries.

    (while (re-search-forward "^[ 	]+" nil t)
	(setq x (point))
	(kill-region x (point))
	(fill-paragraph nil)

; Some entries may be separated by multiple newlines; change double newlines
; to single newlines.

    (while (and (not (end-of-buffer-p))
		(re-search-forward "^$" nil t))
	(setq x (point))
	(skip-chars " 	" t)
	(kill-region x (point))

    (message "Conversion complete; save buffer to a text file.")

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  entry2txt

; Convert the current bibliography entry from Latex to text format
; For an entry such as:
;    @PhDThesis{ Altman89,
;       Key="Altman",
;       Author="Altman, R.B.",
;       School="Stanford University Medical Information Sciences",
;       Title="Exclusion Methods for the Determination of Protein Structure from Experimental Data",
;       Year=1989,  }
; We delete the first and second lines, we make sure that the Author
; and Title fields come first, and we strip off the keyword names in
; each field, as well as unquoting each field (except for the title).
; For some fields we insert leading strings, e.g., for the Pages field
; we insert the leading string "pp".
; Assumes we are called with (dot) after the @ of  @BOOK

(defun entry2txt (&optional quiet_flg)
  (let (at-pos next-pos x variable sstart)

    (backward-char 1)
    (setq at-pos (dot))           ; at-pos  <-- start of @BOOK
    (forward-word 1)
    (backward-delete-char 1)      ;  delete closing delimiter

    (goto-char at-pos)
    (kill-region (point) at-pos)  ; delete  @book{

    (setq x (point))
    (forward-word 1)
; If entry is  @BOOK{JONES80,   display  JONES80
    (if (not quiet_flg)
	(message (buffer-substring x (point))))

    (kill-region (point) x)   ;;;; delete the citation name

    (setq next-pos (dot))

; Delete the  Key=  field.

    (if (setq b (field-boundary "key" (end-of-entry)))
	(kill-region (car b) (cdr b)))

    (goto-char next-pos)

; Move the Author field to the front of the entry and strip off the
; Author keyword and quotes.

    (if (setq b (field-boundary "author" (end-of-entry)))
	  (kill-region (car b) (cdr b))
	  (goto-char next-pos)
	  (goto-char next-pos)
	  (strip-field t)
	  (insert-string " ")
	  (setq next-pos (dot))))

; Make sure the Title field comes next; strip off the keyword.

    (if (setq b (field-boundary "title" (end-of-entry)))
	  (kill-region (car b) (cdr b))
	  (goto-char next-pos)
	  (goto-char next-pos)
	  (strip-field nil)
	  (insert-string " ")
	  (setq next-pos (dot))))

; Now, for each remaining field of the form  Keyword=Value , if Value
; is not a quoted string then attempt to replace Value with the value
; of a GnuEmacs lisp variable called Value, was was set during 
; processing of @string specifications in the function (bib2txt).
; Then strip off  Keyword=  and strip off the quotes around the value.

    (while (re-search-forward "[a-z]" (end-of-entry) t)
	     (re-search-forward "[ =	]" nil t)
	     (skip-chars " =	")
	     (setq sstart (point))
	     (if (not (char-equal 34 (char-after (point))))

; Value is not a quoted string; try to insert the value of this variable.

		   (re-search-forward "[ ,]" nil t)
		   (backward-word 1)
		   (forward-word 1)
		   (setq variable (intern (buffer-substring sstart (point))))
		   (if (boundp variable)
			 (kill-region sstart (point))
			 (insert-string (eval variable))))

; Strip off keyword and quotes.

	     (goto-char sstart)	     
	     (backward-word 1)
	     (kill-region next-pos (point))
	     (strip-field t)
	     (insert-string " ")
	     (setq next-pos (point))))

    (backward-word 1)
    (forward-word 1)
    (skip-chars "\"")
    (kill-region (point) (skip-chars " ,"))
    (insert-string ".")

; Format this entry nicely.

    (fill-paragraph nil)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  end-of-entry

; Return the buffer position at the end of the current entry, which we
; define to be either the position of the "@" at the start of the next
; entry, or if we can't find that, then (end-of-buffer).

(defun end-of-entry ()
  (let (pos)
      (if (setq pos (search-forward "@" nil t))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  field-boundary

; If the current bib entry (whose end is at position Eoe) contains a
; field named Field-Name (such as:  author="Jones",) we return a list
; whose car and cdr are the starting and ending buffer positions of
; this field; else we return NIL.

(defun field-boundary (field-name eoe)
  (let (start (end nil))
    (if (re-search-forward (concat field-name " *=?") eoe t)
	  (backward-word 1)
	  (setq start (dot))
	  (if (search-forward "\"" eoe t)
	      (if (re-search-forward "\"" eoe t)
		    (skip-chars " ,	" t)
		    (setq end (min (dot) eoe))

    (if end
	(cons start end)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  strip-field

; Given a line such as:
;   author="jim jones",
; we strip off the "author=" part , plus the surrounding quotes if
; Delete-Quotes is True.  Also, if the keyword (here author) is in
; the alist word-subs, we insert the associated string.
; We leave point at the end of the expression (after the comma (which
; may or may not be present)).

(setq word-subs '(("volume" . "v")
		  ("number" . "#")
		  ("pages" . "pp")))

(defun strip-field (delete-quotes)
 (let ((wordstart (point))

; Kill keyword and make substitution if appropriate.

  (forward-word 1)
  (setq word (buffer-substring wordstart (point)))
  (backward-kill-word 1)
  (if (assoc (downcase word) word-subs)
      (insert-string (cdr (assoc (downcase word) word-subs))))
  (kill-region (point) (skip-chars " 	="))

; Delete surrounding quotes if requested.  

  (if delete-quotes
      (if (char-equal 34 (char-after (dot))) ; double quote
	    (delete-char 1)
	    (search-forward "\"" nil t)
	    (backward-delete-char 1)
	    (skip-chars " ,	"))
	  (re-search-forward "[,}]" nil t))
      (if (char-equal 34 (char-after (dot))) ; double quote
	    (forward-char 1)
	    (re-search-forward "\" *,?" nil t))
	  (re-search-forward "[,}]")))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  goto-matching-delimiter

;  Goes to the character in the buffer which closes the Scribe delimiter
;  where (point) is when this function is called.  I.e., if the buffer is
;  "@book< foo >bar" and we're called with point at "<", we'll leave
;  point at the "b" of "bar".

(setq all_delims '(("<" . ">")
		   ("[" . "]")
		   ("\"" . "\"")
		   ("(" . ")")
		   ("{" . "}")))

(defun  goto-matching-delimiter ()
  (let (delim match-char mdelim redelims
	      (nomatch t)
	      (start (point)))

    (setq delim (point-char))
    (setq mdelim (cdr (assoc delim all_delims)))  ; Look up matching delim
    (if (null mdelim)
	(error "Point is not a valid delimiter"))

    (setq redelims (concat "[" mdelim delim "]" ))

; Assuming the open-delim was "{", repeatedley search for either "{"
; or "}".  If we find "{", recurse to find its matching delimiter.  If
; we find "}", we're done.

    (while nomatch
	(if (not (re-search-forward redelims nil t))
	      (error "No closing delimiter found to match that at point")
	      (goto-char start))
	  (setq match-char (buffer-substring (- (point) 1) (point)))

	  (if (and (not (equal "\"" delim))
		   (equal match-char delim))
	    (setq nomatch nil))  ; Done!

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  point-char

;  Return the character at the cursor

(defun  point-char  ()
  (buffer-substring  (point)  (+ 1 (point)))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  skip-chars

; Scans through the buffer starting at (point) as long as the buffer
; contains chars within String (newline is added to string if Add_Newline
; is T.

; Returns (point)

(defun skip-chars (string &optional add_newline)
  (let (ch i)
    (if add_newline
	(setq string (concat string (char-to-string 10))))

    (while (and (setq ch (char-after (dot)))  ; False if at end of buffer
		(char-in-string ch string))
	   (forward-char 1))

(defun char-in-string (char string)
  (let ((i (length string))
	(found nil))
    (while (and (> i 0)
		(not (setq found (char-equal char
					     (string-to-char string)))))
	   (setq string (substring string 1))
	   (setq i (1- i)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  end-of-bufffer-p

(defun end-of-buffer-p ()
  (not (char-after (dot)))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  next-word

(defun  next-word  ()
                   "Move to the start of the next word in the buffer"
  (let (pos)
        (setq pos (point))
        (forward-word 1)
        (backward-word 1)
        (if (>= pos (point))
                (forward-word 2)
                (backward-word 1)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  mark-and-hold

;  Debugging routine

(defun  mark-and-hold (mark-char-string)
  (insert-string mark-char-string)
  (read-string "holding...")
  (backward-delete-char 1)