[comp.text.tex] TeXhax Digest V90 #67

TeXhax@CS.WASHINGTON.EDU (TeXhax Digest) (10/29/90)

TeXhax Digest    Sunday,  October 28, 1990  Volume 90 : Issue 67

Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay

%%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%%
%%%       in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the       %%%
%%%                      University of Washington                           %%%

Today's Topics:         

                                      TeXBook 3.0
                       AMSSYM.DEF from AMS-TeX 2.0 release  bug
                       RE: TeXhax Digest V90 #64 (rotated fonts)
                      Call for paper--Sixth European TeX Conference


Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 18:04:52 EDT
From:  <amgreene@athena.mit.edu>
Subject: TeXBook 3.0
Keywords: TeX 3.0, changes, TeXbook

   Date: Fri, 21 Sep 90 15:05:33 CDT
   From: drl@vuse.vanderbilt.edu

   Well, I see that the new version of the TeXBook is now shipping.
   Being somewhat low on funds, I am not real anxious to buy it unless
   I must.  Is there any freely available summary of the differences
   between the old and new editions/printings?


If you join TUG, you'll receive each year the addenda and correction 
booklet as part of your TUGboat subscription.  The booklet contains all
the changes to volumes A through E of Computers and Typesetting.

- Andrew Marc Greene
  Chairman, Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
  MIT Project Athena Watchmaker


Date: Tue, 09 Oct 90 01:13:46 EDT
Subject: AMSSYM.DEF from AMS-TeX 2.0 release  bug
Keywords: AmSTeX, AMSSYM.DEF

I have come across a problem with the AMSSYM.DEF file that was part of the
AMSTeX 2.0 release.  In this file it is claimed "This file contains
definitions that perform the same functions as similarones in AMS-TeX, so
that the file AMSSYM.TEX can be used outside of AMS-TeX".  Unfortunately
I have found this not to be the case since some of the macros use
internal macros which are only defined in the AMSTEX.TEX file;
specifically, missing from the AMSSYM.TEX file are definitions for
"\setboxz@h" and "\wdz@" macros used in the definition of "\widehat"
and "\widetilde". What needs to be added just before the definition of
"\widehat" are the lines

\def\setboxz@h{\setbox\z@\hbox} %added to fix file Oct. 8/90 P.Galko
\def\wdz@{\wd\z@}               %added to fix file Oct. 8/90 P.Galko

Are their any other errors that anyone knows about? (I have informed the AMS
tech support people of this error!)

Prof. Peter Galko                         E-mail: PTRPB@UOTTAWA.BITNET
Department of Electrical Engineering
Room A-509, Colonel By Hall               Telephone: (613)-564-7097
770 King Edward Avenue                    FAX:       (613)-564-6882
University of Ottawa
K1N 6N5


Date: Mon, 8 Oct 90 23:33 MET
Subject: RE: TeXhax Digest V90 #64 (rotated fonts)
Keywords: fonts, rotated

In TeXhax Digest V90 #63 and #64 two people ask about rotated fonts.
T. Duttle wants a 90 degrees rotated font, Mark Gabriele has somewhat
higher demands, he wants a 60 degrees rotated font. Fist of all, what 's
so bad about getting a pair of scissors and some (real) glue and putting
the whole thing together in an old fashioned way? Or use some kind of
postscript device that is easily capable of rotating fonts? Well, I do
not write this to make people solve problems the easy way, rather I have
a solution for you. The solution below has been published before in TeXhax,
but here it comes anyway.

It is assumed that you have a running version of METAFONT, you should not have
any experience with it, though (well, a little common sense will not harm).
If you don't have METAFONT, get it, for you should not asks for special
fonts if you aren't able to make them.  This solution is actually only for
90 degrees rotated fonts, Mark Gabriele should either be content with this
font, or he should make a 60 degrees adaption to the code below. The METAFONT
part is easy, but I think it is not simple to make a driving TeX code for
weird angles.

Since TeX is deviced for putting characters horizontally together, and
boxes either horizontally of vertically, there is a solution to your
problem, but it's not gonna be an easy one. First of all, you have to
create a rotated font, say cmrr10 (comp. mod. roman rotated 10). This
can be done easily by making two short files. One is called
`rotatedcm.mf' and looks like this:

let old_font_setup = font_setup; % save the old font_setup code

def font_setup = old_font_setup; % first do the normal things
 def t_ = transformed currenttransform enddef; % needed to bypass cm-code
 currenttransform := currenttransform rotated 90; % this does the trick

%--------------------------- End of file ---------------------------
The other file that does the job is called `cmrr10.mf' and its contents are
%--------------------------- Top of file ---------------------------

% cmrr10 computer modern roman rotated 10 pt, by David van Leeuwen

if unknown cmbase: input cmbase; fi % first load the cm routines
input rotatedcm; % and change the meaning of font_setup
input cmr10; % for cmtir10 one should say here: `input cmti10;', etc.

%--------------------------- End of file ---------------------------
Well, these files are together 11 lines long, so it should give no huge
problems to type them over.

Now you can run METAFONT and say `\mode=locafont; input cmrr10' on the
double-star prompt, and the correct font should be made. (In order to get
a .pk-file, run a utility called GTtoPK, and let it work on the created .gf-
file.) Now we still need
a set of macros that will typeset a word vertically. We have to use the normal
horizontal .tfm information, since there is only one horizontal
distance defined and two vertical distances. A solution is to include a
file `vertical.tex' somewhere in your TeX source that looks like this:
%--------------------------- Top of file --------------------------

\font\rrm = cmrr10 % the rotated roman font

\newbox\vertbox \newdimen\xwd % extra width



\def\addvert#1{\setbox0=\hbox{\rrm #1}\ifnum\xwd<\ht0 \xwd=\ht0 \fi
 \ht0=\wd0 \wd0=\dp0 \dp0=0pt % rotate the tfm information


%----------------------------- End of file ---------------------------
Now you will have the macro `\vertical' that will typeset its argument
vertically. Thus `\vertical a' will result in a `a' on lying on its left side,
and `\vertical{word}' will put `word' up, lying on the w's left side.

This macro will skip spaces, if you want to seperate words, use the `~' tie.
Note that in figures one often wants to add sub- or superscipts
to a text, which is quite impossible if you solve the problem this way.
This macro, then, was developed for someone who used it in fancy tables.

I hope that this solution is satisfactory in some kind,

David van Leeuwen, david@hlerul59.bitnet


Date: Fri, 26 Oct 90 18:35:28 CET
Subject: Call for paper--Sixth European TeX Conference
Keywords: TeX, call for papers

\def\<<{\ouvreguillemet\everypar={\ouvreguillemet\ }}
\topmargin 1.5cm
\headsep 0pt
\headheight 0pt
\parskip 3pt
\parindent 0pt
\null\vskip 1.5cm
{\Large Call for paper

\null\hfill{\it Appel \`a communication}

\vskip 2cm
6th European \TeX\ Conference

\null\hfill{\it 6\`eme conf\'erence \TeX\ europ\'eenne}


\null GUTenberg'91

\vskip 2cm
Paris 23--36 septembre 1991


{\null\Large 6th European \TeX\ Conference}

\null{\large Paris, 23th--25th September 1991}

The  sixth European  \TeX\   Conference  is organised   by  the French
speaking  user group  (GUTenberg)  and is  concurently held  with  the
GUTenberg'91 congress.

 \TeX\  is  a  software  now widely spread   , in  the  university and
research   community as  well as  in   the printers and editors  world
notably for printing all technical and scientific publications.

The active part played by the various European user groups in bringing
about the modifications  undergone by  \TeX\ over  the past  few years
clearly demonstrates how  essential  it is that  an annual  conference
should be held in Europe.

{\Large Suggested topics}

Contributions may deal  with various topics, including those suggested
below.  Selection will  be made on the  basis of novelty, interest and
use to the \TeX\ user community.

Although English  is  official language, simultaneous  translation for
French speakers is being considered.

--- Multi-lingual \TeX\\
--- User groups\\
--- Developments around \TeX, {\mf METAFONT}\ldots\\
--- Merging \TeX\ with other systems and applications\\
--- Typographics layout and design\\
--- Hypertext and its relationship with \TeX\\
--- Markup documents systems\\
--- Fonts design\\
--- Merging \TeX\ with graphics\\
--- Specialist macros and their applications\\
--- Networks related to \TeX

{\null\hfill\Large\it 6\`eme conf\'erence \TeX\ europ\'eenne}

\null\hfill{\large\it Paris, 23--25 septembre 1991}

La sixi\`eme conf\'erence \TeX\ europ\'eenne   est organis\'ee  par  le
Groupe francophone des Utilisateurs de  \TeX\  en m\^eme temps  que le
congr\`es GUTenberg'91.

 \TeX\ est maintenant un  produit largement  r\'epandu dans  le milieu
des  universit\'es   et   de  la    recherche,   mais  aussi  chez les
professionnels de l'\'edition, surtout en  ce qui concerne l'\'edition
scientifique et technique.

La part tr\`es active jou\'ee par les diff\'erents groupes europ\'eens
dans  l'\'evolution  de  \TeX\  ces  derni\`eres  ann\'ees  d\'emontre
l'importance de l'existence d'un congr\`es annuel en Europe.

{\null\hfill\Large\it Sujets d'int\'er\^et}

Les communications pourront porter  sur  des sujets vari\'es dont ceux
sugg\'er\'es  ci-dessous. La s\'election se   fera   sur la  base de
l'originalit\'e,  de  l'int\'er\^et   et    de l'utilit\'e  pour    la
communaut\'e des utilisateurs de \TeX.

La langue officielle est  l'anglais. Une traduction  simultan\'ee avec
le fran\c{c}ais est envisag\'ee.

--- \TeX\ et le multilinguisme\\
--- Les groupes d'utilisateurs\\
--- D\'eveloppements autour de \TeX, {\mf METAFONT}\ldots\\
--- Utilisation de \TeX\  \`a l'int\'erieur d'autres syst\`emes\\
--- Pr\'esentation typographique et mise en \oe uvre\\
--- Hypertext et leurs relations avec \TeX\\
--- Syst\`emes de marquage de documents\\
--- Dessin de fontes\\
--- Inclusion de graphiques en \TeX\\
--- Macros sp\'ecialis\'ees et leurs applications\\
--- R\'eseaux informatiques li\'es \`a \TeX
{\Large Call for paper}

Following  deadlines applies to the 6th  European  \TeX\ Conference and
to the GUTenberg'91 congress.

An one  page abstract (about  two $80 \times   50$ screens)  should be
submitted by mail, e-mail or fax by the 1st February 1991.

Abstracts should  be sent in    first instance {\bf  to the   author's
national user group}  if  there is  one; failing  this, to one  of the
programme coordinators.

Speakers selected will be notified of acceptance by 1st March 1991.

Complete texts   must be submitted  by 1st  May  1991,   preferably in
\LaTeX\ source format (details of  layout, size and formatting will be
sent to the authors at  time  of notification); if needed, camera-ready
form will be accepted.

{\Large\null\hfill\it Appel \`a communication}


L'agenda suivant concerne la 6\`eme conf\'erence \TeX\ europ\'eenne et
le congr\`es GUTenberg'91.

Un r\'esum\'e d'une page  (soit environ deux  \'ecrans $80 \times 25$)
doit  \^etre envoy\'e  avant le   1er  f\'evrier  1991, par  courrier,
courrier \'electronique ou fax.

Le   r\'esum\'e  doit  \^etre   envoy\'e   en   priorit\'e   {\bf   au
repr\'esentant du groupe des  utilisateurs de l'auteur} si  ce  groupe
existe, sinon il doit \^etre envoy\'e \`a l'un des membres du comit\'e
de programme.

Les intervenants retenus seront avis\'es le 1er mars 1991.

Les  textes  complets  seront  retourn\'es pour  le  1er mai  1991, de
pr\'ef\'erence sous forme d'un fichier source  \LaTeX\  (les d\'etails
de pr\'esentation et de mise en page  seront  envoy\'es aux auteurs en
m\^eme temps que l'avis de notification); en cas de besoin, les textes
pourront \^etre soumis en cam\'era-ready.

{\Large Programe Committee

\null\it\hfill Comit\'e de programme}

Bernard {\sc Gaulle} (GUTenberg)\\
Roswitha {\sc Graham} (Royal Institute of Technology)\\
Joachim {\sc Lammarsh} (Heidelberg University) \\
Chris {\sc Rowley} (Open University)\\
Kees van der {\sc Lann} ({\sc ntg}, Holland)\\
Michael {\sc Ferguson} ({\sc inrs}-T\'el\'ecommunications)\\
Nicolas {\sc Brouard} ({\sc ined})\\
Pierre {\sc Dagn\'elie} (Fac. sciences agronomiques)\\
Maurice {\sc Laugier} (Imprimerie Louis-Jean)\\
Didier {\sc Collin} (Tr\'ema)\\
Denis {\sc M\'egevan} (Observatoire Gen\`eve)

{\Large Addresses

\null\hfill\it Adresses}

GUTenberg, 6th European \TeX\ Conference\\
BP 21\\
78354 Jouy en Josas cedex, France\\
Telephone: + 33 1 34 65 22 32\\
Fax: + 33 1 34 65 20 51\\
E-mail: {\tt gut@irisa.irisa.fr}

or to national user groups coordinators\\
{\null\hfill\it ou  aupr\`es des groupes d'utilisateurs nationaux}

Roswitha {\sc Graham}: {\tt roswitha@admin.kth.se}\\
Joachim {\sc Lammarsh}: {\tt rz92@dhdurz1.bitnet}\\
Chris {\sc Rowley}: \verb+ca_rowley@uk.ac.open.acs.vax+\\
Kees van der {\sc Lann}: {\tt cgl@rug.nl}
{\Large Organisation Committee

\null\hfill\it Comit\'e d'organisation}

Olivier {\sc Nicole} ({\sc inra})\\
Jacques {\sc Andr\'e} ({\sc inria-irisa})\\
Philippe {\sc Louarn} ({\sc inria-irisa})\\
Michel {\sc Blanchard} (Universit\'e d'Orl\'eans)\\
Alain {\sc Posty} ({\sc inra})

GUTenberg, 6th European \TeX\ Conference\\
BP 21\\
78354 Jouy en Josas cedex, France\\
Telephone: + 33 1 34 65 22 32\\
Fax: + 33 1 34 65 20 51

{\Large Tutorials}

Tutorils on  \TeX\ and the \TeX set are to be held during the week of
16 to 21 September 1991.

Those who wish  to be untrusted  with  such tutorials are requested to
get in touch with  the organisation committee. The  equipment required
will be made available to the teacher  so  that the tutorials meet the
highest standard.

Turorials can be teached in either English or  French.

{\null\hfill\Large\it Tutoriels}


Des cours  sur  \TeX\   et sur  les   outils qui   l'entourent  seront
organis\'es durant la semaine du 16 au 21 septembre 1991.

Les personnes  d\'esirant  assurer de   tels  cours doivent  se  faire
conna\^{\i}tre du comit\'e  d'organisation. Pour  assurer la meilleure
qualit\'e possible \`a ces cours, les moyens mat\'eriels n\'ecessaires
seront mis \`a disposition des intervenants .

Les cours peuvent \^etre faits en anglais ou en fran\c{c}ais.


{\null\Large GUTenberg'91}

{\null\large Technical and Scientific Edition\\
Paris, 26th September 1991}

This year the French speaking user group held its congress concurently
with the sixth European  \TeX\ Conference.  The opportunity of holding
an international conference in France could not be skipped.

As  we want  to maintain a  French  speaking part  to  this meeting, a
fourth congress day has been added.

The  GUTenberg'91 congress deals with  ``{\it Technical and Scientific

Although French  is  offical  language, simultaneous   translation for
English speakers is being considered.

 Suggested topics are the following:

--- Special fonts design\\
--- Developments around \TeX\ and \LaTeX\\
--- \TeX\ and graphics\\
--- Rasterisation and output\\
--- Special macro-packages\\
--- Aspects of the French language

{\Large Advice to exhibitors}

Exhibitors are requested to get in touch with the organisation committee.

{\null\hfill\Large\it GUTenberg'91}

{\null\hfill\large\it L'\'edition scientifique et technique\\
\null\hfill Paris, 26 septembre 1991}


Cette ann\'ee le Groupe francophone des Utilisateurs de \TeX\ organise
son congr\`es  en m\^eme  temps  que  la sixi\`eme  conf\'erence \TeX\
europ\'eenne. L'opportunit\'e   d'une conf\'erence  internationale se
d\'eroulant en France nous semble devoir \^etre saisie.

Mais nous voulons conserver une  part francophone \`a cette r\'eunion,
c'est la raison de cette quatri\`eme journ\'ee de congr\`es.

Nous   avons voulu centrer le   th\`eme  de cette  journ\'ee  sur  les
probl\`emes de \<< {\rm l'\'edition scientifique et technique} \>>.

La   langue     officielle  est  le   fran\c{c}ais.    Une traduction
simultan\'ee avec l'anglais est envisag\'ee.

Les sujets propos\'es sont donc les suivants :

--- D\'eveloppement de fontes sp\'eciales\\
--- D\'eveloppements autour de \TeX\ et de \LaTeX\\
--- \TeX\ et les graphiques\\
--- Digitalisation et restitution\\
--- Ensembles de macros sp\'ecialis\'ees\\
--- Sp\'ecificit\'es francophones

{\null\hfill\Large\it Avis aux exposants}


 Les  exposants   sont pri\'es  de prendre  contact  avec le comit\'e



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End of TeXhax Digest