[comp.text.tex] Grid.sty

yorkw@barb.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (11/16/90)

Well some nice dude sent me the Below .STY file.
my problems are 

1) I don't know how to use a STY file. (I just include it right?)
2) i edited the sty file so it's print out a grid 
   added a /begin{document} \end{document}
   and the thinf will print a grid that's 3 "units" from the
   top and left side of the paper. (ie i say do a 3x3 in qrid and it'll
   be 3 in down/right. 
   I wnat to fill the paper. 

3) The thing prints the grid then prints 3 blank pages. 

Will the guy who sent me this mail back, (I lost the adress)
Here's the file for other interested people.
----------------------Cut grid.sty------------------------------

%This style option produces a grid of dimensions n by m. This
%should prove useful to people who make exams and other kind of grid
%plots. It takes 5 arguments and should be used in the following manner:
%\grid{horizontal axis label}{vertical axis label}{horizontal
%dimen}{vertical dimen}{length of 1 unit(can be defined in any
% EXAMPLE USAGE:                   %
% \grid{$x$}{$f(x)$}{8}{4}{0.25in} %
% (yorkw) i added the below line so i could test the macro. delete for a sty file.
\typeout{GRID.STY: AUTHORED BY GYAN P. SINHA 10/06/90}

\newcount\n \newcount\m \newcount\l \newcount\o 
\newcount\e \newcount\f \newcount\g \newcount\h
\n=#3 \advance\n by 4
\m=#4 \advance\m by 4
\l=#3\advance\l by 1
\p=#4\advance\p by 1
\o=0 \advance\o by 2
\e=#3 \advance\e by 2 
\h=#4 \advance \h by 2
\newcount\n \newcount\m \newcount\l \newcount\o 
\newcount\e \newcount\f \newcount\g \newcount\h
\n=#3 \advance\n by 4
\m=#4 \advance\m by 4
\l=#3\advance\l by 1
\p=#4\advance\p by 1
\o=0 \advance\o by 2
\e=#3 \advance\e by 1 
\f=1%\advance\f by  1
\h=#4 \advance \h by 1
% A test line to print a grid, 8x10 1 in,
\grid{$X Stuff$}{$Y Stuff$}{8}{10}{1in}
% I added the Below line so i could test the file delete for a sty file

yorkw@ecn.purdue.edu  Willis F York    
Macintosh... Proof that a Person can use a Computer all day and still
not know ANYTHING about computers.