[comp.text.tex] bibtex apalike style

mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu (John D. McCalpin) (11/16/90)

I am having an awkward problem with the Bibtex 'apalike' style.

(As an aside, I should comment that in my field, numbered
bibliographic references are not allowed by any journal, and even if
they were, I think they are dumb!).

The problem is that LaTeX refuses to break lines within the string
that \cite includes.  For example, my .bbl file contains


\bibitem[Browning et~al., 1989]{browning_etal_89}
Browning, G., Holland, W., Kreiss, H., and Worley, S. (1989).
\newblock An accurate hyperbolic system for approximately hydrostatic and
  incompressible flows.
\newblock Unpublished Manuscript.


In the text I get these awful overful hbox's (sometimes 80 points too
wide) because LaTeX refuses to split [Browning et~al., 1989] in the

So what can I do to hack on the .bbl file to convince LaTeX that it is
OK to do line breaks inside the citation reference?

Replies by e-mail, please!
John D. McCalpin			mccalpin@perelandra.cms.udel.edu
Assistant Professor			mccalpin@vax1.udel.edu
College of Marine Studies, U. Del.	J.MCCALPIN/OMNET