perelgut@utcsrgv.UUCP (Stephen Perelgut) (01/20/84)
:-) I just thought I'd post an article with a misleading title and null semantic content like everyone else who uses the network. I figured net.general is the best place to put it since that's where half the articles appear these days. I considered posting to net.general,net.this, net.that,net.etc..... After all, that way everyone can see how brilliant I am and Europe can pay for another phone call to read this critically important news. Please don't swamp me with fan mail for doing this, just send lots of cash through the mail. Small, unmarked bills are preferred. (Nothing over $20 without your secret wombat decoder identification card, thanks). :-) -- Stephen Perelgut Computer Systems Research Group University of Toronto Usenet: {linus, ihnp4, allegra, decvax, floyd}!utcsrgv!perelgut