[comp.text.tex] BibTeX style files for physics...

jcburt@ipsun.larc.nasa.gov (John Burton) (12/10/90)

Hopefully someone out there in netland can help me with this

In a paper to be published, I need a particular form for my
references as specified by the American Institute of Physics
Journals (AIP). In the bibtex-style subdirectory on 
sun-soe.clarkson.edu I found a file physics.btx which apparently
contains the AIP style. To extract it requires a C preprocessor
(which they supplied for GNU-emacs as cpp.el). Using this macro
(or whatever you want to call it) basically creates the bibtex
style file you need in a buffer (then you save the buffer). This 
file (physics.btx) can also be used to create the plain.bst, abbrv.bst,
unsrt.bst, etc. standard bibtex style files. Only one little problem...
when trying to create one of the physics style files, it apparently
tries to include the file "journal-abbrevs.bst" which i haven't
been able to find anywhere! apparently journal-abbrevs.bst contains
citation abbreviations commonly used in physics journal.

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this file, or any suggestions
on how to get around this problem? (I know the easiest way would be
to comment out the line that tries to include the file...but I would
like to use the abbreviations if possible)

Thanks in advance...

John Burton

sullivan@msor.exeter.ac.uk (Rob Sullivan) (12/18/90)

You can create journal-abbrev.bst using cpp and physics.btx! Follow
the instructions included in physics.btx but replace 'aip' with
'journal-abbrev'. I guess the author just assumed that you would
already have journal-abbrev.bst. 

- - - -
Robert Sullivan           JANET    : sullivan@uk.ac.exeter.msor
Theoretical Physics Dept. UUCP     : sullivan%msor.exeter.ac.uk@ukc.uucp
University of Exeter      BITNET   : sullivan%msor.exeter.ac.uk@UKACRL
England.                  Internet : sullivan%msor.exeter.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu
EX4 4QL                   Tel      : +44 392 264198

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 --but not so open-minded that one's brains fall out."