[net.space] Sigh: no space station

richard@sequent.UUCP (02/08/84)

Somehow it seems the people in the Space Administration have very little
enthusiasm for their jobs these days.  I understand one of them once asked
"Why would anyone would want to live on the moon, anyway?"

It tooks us less than ten years to get to the moon the first time, yet
the admin doesn't think we could do it again till after 2000 - That's still
16 years away!  And No is the word on lunar stations too.

It seems the Space Admin execs spends too much time deciding what can't be
done, and not enough on what could be done.  They apparently don't
remember what the Apollo program did for this country's moral just a few
years back.

Whatever happened to the "Never say die" attitude?

			from the confused and bleeding fingertips of