[comp.text.tex] double square brackets

yxoc@fb14vax.cs.uni-sb.de (Ralf Treinen) (01/24/91)

Included is a small documentstyle "meaning.sty" that provides a macro
for double square brackets as often used for the semantics of programming
languages. It works in all sizes and also as subscript or subsubscript.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.


% Double square brackets, as used for semantics, e.g. [[ f(2+5) ]]
% Works in all sizes and also as sub- and subsubscript
% Usage: \Mean{ <math stuff> } in math mode
% Ralf Treinen (yxoc@cs.uni-sb.de) 23.1.91 . Comments welcome.
\newbox\M@contents	% the math stuff that goes inside the brackets
\newbox\M@KH		% two horizontal lines
\newbox\M@KV		% one vertical line
\newdimen\M@height	% height of the brackets
\newdimen\M@depth	% depth  of the brackets
\newdimen\M@total	% height + depth of the brackets
\newdimen\M@strength	% the strength of the lines of the brackets
\newdimen\M@width	% distance between the 2 vertical lines of the brackets
%	calculate the sizes
\advance\M@height by 2pt
\advance\M@depth by 2pt
\advance\M@total by\M@depth
%	build the boxes
   \hbox{\vrule height\M@height depth\M@depth width\M@strength}}
\setbox\M@KH\hbox{\lower\M@depth\hbox{\vbox to \M@total{%
  \hrule width\M@width height0pt depth\M@strength%
  \hrule width\M@width height\M@strength depth0pt}}}
%	ship out
% end of meaning.sty

% Sample input
This line in normal textmode\(\Mean{1+1}\) and \( \Mean{1^2_6} \)
\[ \Mean{1} * \Mean{1^2_2} * \Mean{{1^2_2}^3_3} * \Mean{{{1^2_2}^3_3}^4_4}
* \Mean{{{{1^2_2}^3_3}^4_4}^5_5}
* \Mean{{{{{1^2_2}^3_3}^4_4}^5_5}^6_6}
* \Mean{{{{{{1^2_2}^3_3}^4_4}^5_5}^6_6}^7_7}
\[ \Mean{\sum_{i=4}^17 \Phi_i}\]

\Phi & \Psi & \Xi \\
\Phi & \Psi & \Xi \\
\Phi & \Psi & \Xi
\Phi & \Psi & \Xi \\
\Phi & \Psi & \Xi \\
\Phi & \Psi & \Xi \\
\Phi & \Psi & \Xi

\[ \Mean{\begin{array}{l}3\\3\\3\end{array}
\Mean{1+1} * \Mean{\bigcup_{i=1..n}i}

\[ \Mean{17 + 4 - 1^{\Mean{3+6}}_{i_{\Mean{\delta-\epsilon}}} } * \Mean{789} \]
OK, it looks better on a high resolution printer ...
% end of sample input
 Ralf Treinen                         | email: treinen@cs.uni-sb.de          
 FB 14 - Informatik (Dept. of CS)     |
 Universitaet des Saarlandes          | phone: +49 681 302 2065
 W-6600 Saarbruecken , Germany        | fax:   +49 681 302 4421