[net.space] UoSAT-B Guide

karn@allegra.UUCP (Phil Karn) (02/29/84)

A Guide to the Architecture of UoSAT-B

The following attempts to provide a guide to  the  sub-systems  on  the
UoSAT-B spacecraft,  due  for  launch  on  1st  March,  1984.  Expanded
specifications of individual modules will be made available  for  those
experiments which  supply  data  to  the  downlink  directly or via the
telemetry system.

Mechanical Framework

The spacecraft is constructed in a similar way to Oscar-9, that is with
a square-section central core supporting rigid top and  bottom  plates.
Solar cells  are mounted on all four sides of these plates, enclosing a
basic cuboid of dimension 35.5 * 35.5 * 58.5 cm.  Two stacks,  each  of
two module  boxes of dimension 23.5 * 17.6 * 3.1 cm, are mounted on the
outside of each face of the central core.  A 'wing' extends the base of
the spacecraft symmetrically by 16 cm on  each  side  in  one  axis  to
permit the  mounting  of  two SHF helical antennas, one on each side of
the launcher attach fitting which is itself mounted in  the  centre  of
the   bottom  plate.   The  Navigation  Magnetometer  and  Space   Dust
experiments are mounted above this wing, one on each side.

Solar Cells

Four solar arrays of dimension 49.5 * 29.5 cm are attached to the  four
sides of  the  spacecraft.   These are capable of supplying up to about
0.9A at 28v when fully illuminated.  The  cells  were  manufactured  by


A solid octagonal block of aluminium, 14.9 * 14.9 * 10.2 cm, is  fitted
into the  centre  core  of  the spacecraft and is drilled to accept ten
'F'-sized Nickel-Cadmium cells, each 3.2 cm in diameter and 9 cm  long.
These cells,  in  series,  form a 12v battery of 6.4Ah nominal capacity
and are charged when the spacecraft is in sunlight in order to  provide
sufficient power  to  run  the  craft  during peak load demands and its
eclipse periods.

Battery Charge Regulator

Two redundant BCRs are responsible for accepting the 28v supplies  from
the solar cells (and a similar supply from the umbilical connector) and
charging the  battery  as  required depending on the current drain, the
battery voltage and the battery temperature.

Power Conditioning Module

The PCM regulates the 12-14v battery bus supply to provide 10v, 5v  and
-10v supplies for powering the spacecraft systems and experiments.

Power Distribution Module (PDM)

The PDM switches the various regulated and unregulated rails to all the
s/c systems  and  experiments,  dependent  on  the  commands  which  it
receives from  the  Telecommand  system.  Each switch has an individual
current foldback facility so that a faulty module is allowed to draw up
to a pre-determined current before it is latched off,  necessitating  a
power-down under positive command before resetting.

Telecommand system

The telecommand system comprises three  uplink  receivers,  three  data
demodulators, a command detector and sets of command latches which hold
the status  of the command specified.  The receivers are located in the
144MHz, 438MHz and 1268MHz  amateur  bands  and  the  demodulators  are
robust devices  which  do  not  depend  on  phase-locked loops or other
potentially unstable techniques.  A command detector  scans  the  three
receivers according  to  a  priority  system and detects a valid set of
command instructions,  passing  the  data  contained  therein  to   the
relevant latch.  Some latches drive a set of multiplexer address inputs
directly so  that  uplink  and downlink path selection may be performed
immediately on the command latch board.

The 112 command  latches  drive  the  Power  Distribution  System,  the
remaining spacecraft  systems  and  experiment  functions.   There is a
parallel i/o port  to  the  spacecraft  1802  computer  for  autonomous
control of  spacecraft operations in addition to serial data links with
the 1802 computer and the DCE for backup operations.

145.825 MHz Beacon

The 145 MHz beacon on UoSAT-B is nearly identical to the one flown most
successfully on UoSAT-1.  The modulation index has  been  increased  in
order to ensure more optimum reception on most radio amateur receivers.
Modulation is by frequency-shift keying, as on UoSAT-1.

435.025 MHz Beacon

This beacon is a completely new design which  generates  its  frequency
standard from  a  phase-locked synthesiser system.  As a result, the DC
to RF efficiency is much  improved.   In  addition  to  frequency-shift
modulation, phase-shift modulation is a switchable option.

2401.5 MHz Beacon

When the original supplier of the 2.4GHz beacon was unable to meet  his
commitment, Colin  Smithers, G4CWH, at the University of Surrey stepped
in and designed and built the transmitter and  power  supply  in  under
four weeks.   The DC to RF efficiency has been improved by some 5 times
over the UoSAT-1 implementation.  Both AFSK and PSK modulation  methods
are possible.

Telemetry System

The basic output of the UoSAT-B telemetry system  is  very  similar  to
that of UoSAT-1.  However, 60 analogue channels, digitised to 3 decimal
digits, and  96  status  points  encoded  into  hexadecimal  digits are
available together with a real-time clock for frame identification  and
the satellite  identifier,  'UOSAT-2'.   A  checksum  digit can also be
added to each channel.  A dwell facility has been added so that  up  to
128 channels  can  be output in rotation, combined with clock times and
line feeds or frame ends in any combination.

1802 Computer & Digitalker

The 1802 computer has been designed to support all the modules  on  the
spacecraft, as  well as to control the overall scheduling and be usable
for  specific   communications   experiments.    To    satisfy    these
requirements, the  computer  has  access  to  many modules via parallel
interfaces, and  to  some  of  the  others  and   the   receivers   and
transmitters via serial connections.  In addition, there is a real-time
clock and  a  total  of  48kb  of RAM for data storage.  The Digitalker
speech synthesiser is housed with the 1802 and has ROMs containing over
550 words.  These will be used initially for 'speaking' telemetry.

Navigation Magnetometer

The Navigation Magnetometer is a  three-axis  flux  gate  device,  much
upgraded from  the one flown on UoSAT-1.  Indeed, the 14-bit resolution
is very similar  to  that  obtained  from  the  much  more  complicated
scientific magnetometer on the previous craft.  The Nav.  Mag.  will be
used for  determining  the  attitude  of  the spacecraft during initial
manoeuvres, as well as for experimental measurement of  magnetic  field
disturbances once the attitude is stable.

Magnetorquers & Boom Assembly

Magnetorquers - coils of wire energised to act as electromagnets -  are
built into all 6 faces of the spacecraft, wound around the edges of the
honeycomb panels  supporting  the  solar  cells  and the top and bottom
plates.  The fields created interact with the earth's magnetic field to
produce a torque which tends to rotate the spacecraft.

When the spacecraft has been positioned so that the CCD camera  end  is
pointing towards the earth - a long and complex process - a boom can be
extended from  the top of the craft.  The boom looks similar to a steel
tape measure, although nearly circular once it has been  unrolled,  and
some 12  metres long.  The boom carries a 2.5kg mass on the far end and
this, in conjunction with the spacecraft body at the other end, creates
a 'dumb-bell' configuration which naturally lines up with  the  earth's
gravitational field  so  that  one  end points downwards, rather like a
pendulum - it is, however, bi-stable!  Any residual swinging motion can
be damped with further controlled applications of the magnetorquers.

Sun Sensors

The sun  sensors  are  made  with  specially  fabricated   solar   cell
substrates which  are  masked  by  grey-code stripes and illuminated by
light passing through a slit in a metal foil in front.  The mask coding
on the cells can be used to derive the  angle  at  which  the  incident
light is  falling  on  the slit.  6 such sensors are mounted around the
top plate to provide complete 360 degree coverage.

Horizon Sensors

Built by a first year student at the University of Surrey, the  Horizon
Sensor is  able  to  detect  when  only  one  of  two photodetectors is
illuminated.  The detectors are housed  in  two  narrow  tubes  of  4mm
diameter and  mounted  at a small angle to each other so that the whole
sensor thus detects the 'edge' of an illuminated object.  This will  be
the earth,  the  moon  or  the  sun  and  a fix can then be made on the
object's position.

Digital Communication Experiment

The Digital Communications Experiment (DCE) was designed and  built  by
AMSAT and  VITA  groups in the USA and Canada.  It has two serial ports
which can receive and transmit to the RF system and the 1802,  as  well
as an  NSC-800  CPU and nearly 128kb of CMOS RAM.  The DCE will be used
to investigate various packet radio protocols for  use  with  a  future
digital 'store-and-forward'  satellite  being  planned  by  AMSAT.   In
addition, the DCE has interfaces with the navigation  magnetometer  and
the telemetry system for long-term data storage.

Space Dust Experiment

The Space Dust experiment was built by  a  group  of  students  at  the
University of Kent, England.  It has a dielectric diaphragm which, when
punctured by  a  large  particle, discharges the capacitance associated
with it, therby indicating the impact.  In  conjunction  with  a  piezo
crystal microphone which detects particles of smaller size, correlation
techniques can  yield  a  measurement  of  the momentum of the incident

CCD Camera

The CCD camera is a re-designed version of the device flown on UoSAT-1.
Indeed, the CCD array at the centre of the camera is the same  type  as
used before,  although the later batches of this part are substantially
improved over the early one used 2 years ago.  This time  the  analogue
electronics surrounding  the  array  are  also  greatly  improved.  The
active area of 384 pixels by 256 pixels is stored with  seven  bits  of
grey-level, in  96kb  of  RAM  in  the DSR experiment.  The DSR is then
responsible for  the  picture  downlink,  adding  addresses  and  error
correction and  detection information as required.  The DSR downlink is
organised in packets of 128 bytes each, three across each imager  line,
so that two may be selected for display (using an extra digital filter)
on existing  UoSAT-1  CCD  displays.   The  variable video amp gain and
integration period of the CCD imager have been set up  to  provide  the
latitude required  to  photograph  both  land  images  and also auroral
features, the latter being of interest in conjunction with the particle
detector experiments.

DSR Experiment

The DSR stores data from the CCD imager, particle counter experiment or
computer UART and outputs it in a checksummed format.  The unit  has  2
banks of 96k x 8 CMOS memory which can be used as two seperate banks or
as one  192kb  bank.   The  output  frame consists of a three byte sync
code, a two byte frame address, 128 bytes of data and 5 bytes of  error
detection/correction code.   The data is sent in serial form with start
bit, 8 data bits and selectable 1 or 3 stop  bits.   The  data  can  be
output at 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 BPS.

Particle Detectors and Wave Correlator Experiment

Three Geiger counters, each with different electron energy  thresholds,
similar to  those  flown  on  UOSAT-1,  and  a  multi-channel  electron
spectrometer are mounted on the spacecraft to  serve  as  a  near-earth
reference for  magnetospheric  studies  to  be carried out concurrently
with the AMPTE & VIKING spacecraft missions due  for  launch  later  in
1984, and  for  ground-based  studies  of  the  ionospheric  D, E and F
regions being  pursued  with  riometers  and  EISCAT.   Data  will   be
available in  either  real-time  or,  for  more detailed analysis, from
stored measurements over both polar  auroral  regions  to  professional
scientists  and  radio  amateurs.   A  data-base  of  the  measurements
acquired over the life of the spacecraft will be established at  Surrey
in conjunction  with  the  SERC  and  will  be  available  to  approved

The modulations imparted on particles, as  a  result  of  wave-particle
interactions in  the  magnetophere  on  auroral  field  lines,  will be
observed by a Particle Correlator Experiment designed around an NSC-800
microprocessor at the University of Sussex, England.  The  measurements
will identify  wave-modes  responsible  for accelerating electrons into
the auroral beam and will also  identify  wave-modes  which  limit  the
further growth of the auroral beam.

Roger M. A. Peel, G8NEF,
University of Surrey, England.