[comp.text.tex] Drawing tool for TeX/LaTeX under X

kaufmann@inf.ethz.ch (kaufmann) (03/01/91)

Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
produces TeX or LaTeX output?
Thanks in advance
Helmut Kaufmann

ne201ph@prism.gatech.edu ("Halvorson,Peter J") (03/01/91)

In article <9102281956.AA19895(a)zeus-dm1.inf.ethz.ch> you write:
>Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
>produces TeX or LaTeX output?
>Thanks in advance
>Helmut Kaufmann
              Peter Halvorson   --    Nuclear Engineering Program
          Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
    uucp:    ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!ne201ph
Internet: ne201ph@prism.gatech.edu  --   peter@fission.gatech.edu

CVL@VAX01.AMS.COM (Charlotte Laurendeau) (03/01/91)

I asked the boss (a real TeXer)
and he didn't know of anything.  Sorry.
charlotte laurendeua
marketing manager - tex users group

kelem@castor.UUCP (03/01/91)

> Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
> produces TeX or LaTeX output?
Use xfig, which is part of the X distribution and transfig from

pfuetz@agd.fhg.de (03/01/91)

The version of "fig" for X is called xfig (how else :-) ) and can be found
at nearly every site that keeps an archive of the comp.sources.x newsgroup.
Amoung others there is uunet.uu.net (X/contrib/xfig-2.0.pl9.tar.Z 362887 Byte)
You also need "transfig" which converts the output of fig into PiCTeX, LaTeX,
PostScript and some other languages. This can be found on svax.cs.cornell.edu
(pub/fig/* , my index is from Nov, 6th and so perhaps a bit outdated, but
there are some files amoung them transfig.tar.Z and transfig-man.dvi)
Hope this helps
            @work:            | Matthias Pfuetzner  |         @home:
  ZGDV, Wilhelminenstrasse 7  | 6100 Darmstadt, FRG |  Lichtenbergstrasse 73
    +49 6151 155-164 or -101  \    <- Tel.nr. ->    /     +49 6151 75717
   pfuetzner@agd.fhg.de    pfuetzner@zgdvda.UUCP    XBR1YD3U@DDATHD21.BITNET

880716a@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Dave Astels) (03/01/91)

In article <9102281956.AA19895(a)zeus-dm1.inf.ethz.ch> INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET writes:
>Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
>produces TeX or LaTeX output?

I've used xfig and transfig (to convert to LaTeX) for some things that I've
done.  I'm still fairly new to all this, so I found that it needed some hand
touchup after converting to picture envronment code.  Transfig also supports
some of the other picture-type environments (I'm not too familiar with these

Luke: "I don't believe it!"
Yoda: "That is why you fail."
	- Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back

prp@sei.cmu.edu (Patrick Place) (03/01/91)

In article <9102281956.AA19895(a)zeus-dm1.inf.ethz.ch> INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET writ
>Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
>produces TeX or LaTeX output?

While xfig does precisely that job, I found it hard to use to get
good pictures.  Lately I have started using idraw comes with X11R4
which produces PostScript files that can be included using epsf
macros and dvips.

If this is close enough to your needs, then try it out.

Pat Place   prp@sei.cmu.edu

droms@regulus.bucknell.edu (Ralph E. Droms) (03/02/91)

You might try tgif ... it generates EPS that seems to integrate nicely
with some of the PostScript inclusion \specials in .dvi->PostScript

The latest version seems to be 1.22.  I found it on uunet.uu.net.

- Ralph Droms                 Computer Science Department
  droms@bucknell.edu          323 Dana Engineering
                              Bucknell University
  (717) 524-1145              Lewisburg, PA 17837

d90-pan@sm.luth.se (Per Andersson) (03/03/91)

In comp.text.tex you write:
>Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
>produces TeX or LaTeX output?
Hello there!
I'm very interested in this to. If you get any replies, could you please
forward them to me ?
| Per Andersson        | c/o Boman       | Voice natl.  0920 - 164 47   |
| University of Luleaa | Kungsgatan 16   |       intl. +46 920 164 47   |
| SWEDEN               | S-951 32 Luleaa | Internet: d90-pan@sm.luth.se |

av@kielo.uta.fi (Arto V. Viitanen) (03/04/91)

>>>>> On 28 Feb 91 19:56:00 GMT, kaufmann@inf.ethz.ch (kaufmann) said:

Helmut> Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
Helmut> produces TeX or LaTeX output?

I know this is what you asked, but ...

I use InterView's idraw drawing program, psfig.tex (or .sty) macropackage and
dvips driver for PostScript. Idraw generates PostScript files, which can be
included to document with \psfig{file=picture.ps} command. It is easy and
results are great.

idraw can be found precompiled for several Unix machines from
interviews.stanford.edu (
Arto V. Viitanen				         email: av@kielo.uta.fi
University Of Tampere,				   	    av@ohdake.cs.uta.fi

av@kielo.uta.fi (Arto V. Viitanen) (03/04/91)

>>>>> On 4 Mar 91 11:30:33 GMT, av@kielo.uta.fi (Arto V. Viitanen) said:
Arto> Nntp-Posting-Host: uta.fi

>>>>> On 28 Feb 91 19:56:00 GMT, kaufmann@inf.ethz.ch (kaufmann) said:

Helmut> Does anybody know a public domain drawing tool running under X that
Helmut> produces TeX or LaTeX output?

Arto> I know this is what you asked, but ...
                    not !!

Arto V. Viitanen				         email: av@kielo.uta.fi
University Of Tampere,				   	    av@ohdake.cs.uta.fi

jstewart@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Ace Stewart) (03/11/91)

In article <610@hydra.bucknell.edu> droms@bucknell.edu (Ralph E. Droms) writes:
>You might try tgif ... it generates EPS that seems to integrate nicely
>The latest version seems to be 1.22.  I found it on uunet.uu.net.

FYI, latest version is actually 2.1 and is on export.lcs.mit.edu

Note the following header from comp.archives:

[xannounce] Tgif-2.2 (Xlib based 2-D drawing tool) is available on export

    Ace Stewart | Affiliation: Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York
jstewart@rodan.acs.syr.edu jstewart@sunrise.bitnet jstewart@mothra.cns.syr.edu
   jstewart@sunspot.cns.syr.edu     ace@suvm.bitnet     rsjns@suvm.bitnet