[comp.text.tex] MF2.7 problems

irf@kuling.UUCP (Bo Thide') (03/12/91)

I am having trouble building the plain base file in mf2.7.   Here's what
I get:


This is METAFONT, C Version 2.7 (INIMF)
Preloading the plain base, version 2.0: preliminaries,
 basic constants and mathematical macros,
 macros for converting from device-independent units to pixels,
>> extra_setup
>> "grayfont black"
! Not implemented: (unknown numeric)&(string).
<to be read again> 
l.301 ...ra_setup:=extra_setup & "grayfont black";
                                                   % with solid black pixels


What's happening here?  BTW, I have mf compiled with the HP-UX 7.40
"cc -O -W g,-All" on an HP9000/400 running HP-UX 7.03, if that matters.
TeX3.1 and friends compiled the same way seem to work OK.  The mf problems
occur even if I use "cc" without any optimization.  The C code was built
using web2c5.8a.


   ^   Bo Thide'--------------------------------------------------------------
  |I|        Swedish Institute of Space Physics, S-755 91 Uppsala, Sweden
  |R|  Phone: (+46) 18-303671.  Telex: 76036 (IRFUPP S).  Fax: (+46) 18-403100 
 /|F|\          INTERNET: bt@irfu.se      UUCP: ...!mcvax!sunic!irfu!bt  
 ~~U~~ -----------------------------------------------------------------sm5dfw