[comp.text.tex] Running out of memory using mfjob in emTeX

riehm@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (Carl Riehm) (03/29/91)

When using mfjob in emTeX, with the command line
	mfjob filename /2 /b
where filename.mfj is the mfj file, I get the following error message and then 
mfjob aborts:

! METAFONT capacity exceeded, sorry [buffer size=500].
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.

This also happens when I omit the switches /2 and /b.  I'm using mfjob under
Windows 3.0 with lots of memory, so presumably expanded memory is available.
I've also tried exiting from Windows and running mfjob from the command line.
Any wizards out there to help me?   In case it matters, I'm trying to produce
.pk files for the AMSfonts 2.0.    Carl Riehm.