[comp.text.tex] Cyrillic fonts

TCOMEAU%STOSC@STSCI.BITNET ("Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute") (03/07/91)

I'm looking for a source of cyrillic fonts, ideally the metafont source.
Can anyone provide such, or point me to an ftp site?
Tom Comeau                            |  tcomeau@stsci.edu   (Internet)
Senior System Manager, ops support    |  tcomeau@stsci       (BITNet)
Space Telescope Science Institute     |  scivax::tcomeau     (SPAN)
3700 San Martin Drive                 |
Baltimore, MD  21218                  |  (301) 338-4749      (Ma ^G)

JOHNGALT%UACCIT@ARIZONA.BITNET ("Dr Galt, I presume?") (03/07/91)

>I'm looking for a source of cyrillic fonts, ideally the metafont source.
>Can anyone provide such, or point me to an ftp site?
You might try subscribing to the RUSTEX-L list on UBVM.  They were talking
about this very thing recently.  RUSTEX-L discusses Russian and Slavic language
versions of TeX.  To get on their list, if you are directly connected to
BITNET, use the interactive "send" command:
    send listserv@ubvm subscribe rustex-l "your name"
If you are not directly connected to BITNET, send a mail message to
with the body of the message saying:
    subscribe rustex-l
Vsevo khoroshego!  (Hope I spelled that right.  I was a Russian linguist
                    in the AF a long time ago!)
%  "Dr. John Galt"                Internet : johngalt@ccit.arizona.edu   %
%  University of Arizona          BITNET   : johngalt@arizrvax           %
%  P.O. Box 3328                  Voice    : (602) 623-5444              %
%  Tucson, AZ 85722                                                      %
%                                                                        %
%  I shared a room in New Orleans with Ray Kaplan!  (See info-VAX)       %

spit@ruunsa.fys.ruu.nl (Werenfried Spit) (03/31/91)

In digest <9103310540.AA27038@june.cs.washington.edu> TeXhax@cs.washington.edu writes:

>Can someone recommend macros to work with the Cyrillic fonts?
>I am told there are two sets? Which one is better and why?


I think a lot depends on taste, and on what you use the fonts
for; just citing cyrillic titles, writing Russian, writing more
than one Slavic language, writing church Slavic etc. 
There is the AMS-TeX macro package which supports the UWash
cyrillic fonts and is well suited if you just incidentally 
cite a bit of cyrillic text from one language or another (that's
what its meant for). 
For typing Russian I use the following macros, adapted from 
work by Dmitri Vulis (gotten from some fileserver; or better
ask someone through the RUSSIAN-TEX distribution list).

Werenfried Spit

%%% cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This style is an adaptation of Dmitri Vulis' rmacro.sty (WS)
%% This code was written by Dimitri Vulis and placed into public domain.
%% There is no copyright associated with this code. Use it as you wish.
%% changed 30-05-89  Werenfried Spit
\typeout{Document Style `cyrillic' <2.0> <28 03 91>.}
% adapted to the M-S fontselection scheme

%    definities als bij Tsjechische transcriptie
\chardef\Z='021    \chardef\z='031   % Zje
\chardef\Cz='121   \chardef\cz='161  % Tsje
\chardef\Ch='110   \chardef\ch='150  % Cha
\chardef\S='130    \chardef\s='170   % Sja
\chardef\Scz='127  \chardef\scz='167 % Sjtsja
\chardef\E='003    \chardef\e='013   % `E
\chardef\Ju='020   \chardef\ju='030  % Joe
\chardef\Ja='027   \chardef\ja='037  % Ja
% \def\Jo{\"E}       \def\jo{\"e}      % Jo
\def\mz{|}         \def\Mz{<}        % mjachkyj zjnak
\def\tz{"}         \def\Tz{>}        % tvordyj zjnak

%  \def\cem{\em} % in fact obsolete
\def\cyr{\family{cyr}\shape{n}\selectfont }
\def\lat{\family{cmr}\shape{n}\selectfont }
\typeout{Cyrillic A-\Ja}

\def\Z{\v{Z}}             \def\z{\v{z}}            % Zje
\def\Cz{\v{C}}            \def\cz{\v{c}}           % Tsje
\def\Ch{\t{C}{h}}         \def\ch{\t{c}{h}}        % Cha
\def\S{\v{S}}             \def\s{\v{s}}            % Sja
\def\Scz{{\v{S}}{\v{c}}}  \def\scz{{\v{s}}{\v{c}}} % Sjtsj
\def\E{\`{E}}             \def\e{\`{e}}            % `E
\def\Ju{\t{J}{u}}         \def\ju{\t{\j}{u}}       % Joe
\def\Ja{\t{J}{a}}         \def\ja{\t{\j}{a}}       % Ja
% \def\Jo{\"E}              \def\jo{\"e}             % Jo
\def\mz{$^\prime$}        \def\Mz{$^\prime$}        % machkyj zjnak
\def\tz{$^{\prime\prime}$}\def\Tz{$^{\prime\prime}$}% tvordyj zjnak

% \def\cem{\em}
\def\cyr{\rm}           % redefine fontchanging commands
%% following from suggestions by Don Hosek don't work yet
%% \let\rmdefault=\latinrmdefault
%% \let\sfdefault=\latinsfdefault
%% \let\bfdefault=\latinbfdefault
%% \family\rmdefault \selectfont
\typeout{Transcript A-\Ja}

\def\Jo{\"E}             % Jo  
\def\jo{\"e}             %  is the same in transcript and cyrillic      
% fontdefinities, (analoog aan concrete.sty)
     {\@latexerr{`cyrillic' <2.0> style option could only be used
                  with the new font selection scheme}\@eha
   <11>cmcyr10 at10.95pt%
   <14>cmcyr10 at14.4pt%
   <20>cmcyr10 at20.74pt%
   <25>cmcyr10 at24.88pt}{}
   <11>cmcti10 at10.95pt%
   <14>cmcti10 at14.4pt%
   <20>cmcti10 at20.74pt%
   <25>cmcti10 at24.88pt}{}
   <11>cmcsc10 at10.95pt%
   <11>cmcbx10 at10.95pt%

% possible default-definitons
%  \gdef\Z{$\backslash$Z}       \gdef\z{$\backslash$z}
%  \gdef\Cz{$\backslash$Cz}     \gdef\cz{$\backslash$cz}
%  \gdef\Ch{$\backslash$Ch}     \gdef\ch{$\backslash$ch}
%  \gdef\S{$\backslash$S}       \gdef\s{$\backslash$s}
%  \gdef\Scz{$\backslash$Scz}   \gdef\scz{$\backslash$scz}
%  \gdef\E{$\backslash$E}       \gdef\e{$\backslash$e}
%  \gdef\Ju{$\backslash$Ju}     \gdef\ju{$\backslash$ju}
%  \gdef\Ja{$\backslash$Ja}     \gdef\ja{$\backslash$ja}
%  \gdef\Jo{$\backslash$Jo}     \gdef\jo{$\backslash$jo}
%  \gdef\mz{$\backslash$mz}     \gdef\tz{$\backslash$tz}
%  \gdef\Mz{$\backslash$Mz}     \gdef\Tz{$\backslash$Tz}

% alternative transliterations (Vulis' original ones)
% \def\cdefTranslitX{
% \def\Zh{\t{Z}{h}}           % \def\zh{\t{z}{h}}           % \def\Ui{\u{I}}
% \def\ui{\u{\i}}             % \def\Kh{\t{K}{h}}           % \def\kh{\t{k}{h}}
% \def\Ts{\t{T}{s}}           % \def\ts{\t{t}{s}}           % \def\Ch{\t{C}{h}}
% \def\ch{\t{c}{h}}           % \def\Sh{\t{S}{h}}           % \def\sh{\t{s}{h}}
% \def\Shch{\t{S}{h}\t{c}{h}} % \def\shch{\t{s}{h}\t{c}{h}} % \def\cprime{$^\prime$}
% \def\cPrime{$\underline{^\prime}$}
% \def\cdprime{$^{\prime\prime}$}
% \def\cDprime{$\underline{^{\prime\prime}}$}
% \def\Ee{\`{E}}              % \def\ee{\`{e}}              % \def\Yu{\t{Y}{u}}
% \def\yu{\t{y}{u}}           % \def\Ya{\t{Y}{a}}           % \def\ya{\t{y}{a}}
% \def\Yo{\t{Y}{o}}           % \def\yo{\t{y}{o}}           % \def\Izhitsa{\'{Y}}
% \def\izhitsa{\'{y}}         % \def\Fita{\t{T}{h}}         % \def\fita{\t{t}{h}}
% \def\Yat{\'{E}}             % \def\yat{\'{e}}
% }

% \def\cdefTranslitY{
% \def\Zh{\v{Z}}              % \def\zh{\v{z}}
% \def\Ui{J}                  % \def\ui{j}
% \def\Kh{Ch}                 % \def\kh{ch}
% \def\Ts{C}                  % \def\ts{c}
% \def\Ch{\v{C}}              % \def\ch{\v{c}}
% \def\Sh{\v{S}}              % \def\sh{\v{s}}
% \def\Shch{\v{S}\v{c}}       % \def\shch{\v{s}\v{c}}
% \def\cprime{\kern0pt'\kern0pt\relax}
% \def\cPrime{\kern0pt'\kern0pt\relax}
% \def\cdprime{\kern0pt'\kern0pt'\kern0pt\relax}
% \def\cDprime{\kern0pt'\kern0pt'\kern0pt\relax}
% \def\Ee{\`{E}}              % \def\ee{\`{e}}
% \def\Yu{\t{J}{u}}           % \def\yu{\t{\j}{u}}
% \def\Ya{\t{J}{a}}           % \def\ya{\t{\j}{a}}
% \def\Yo{\t{J}{o}}           % \def\yo{\t{j}{o}}
% \def\Izhitsa{\'{Y}}         % \def\izhitsa{\'{y}}
% \def\Fita{\t{T}{h}}         % \def\fita{\t{t}{h}}
% \def\Yat{\'{E}}             % \def\yat{\'{e}}

% alternatieve fontdefinitie (Vulis' originelen)
% \chardef\Zh='021                  % \chardef\zh='031 
% \chardef\Ui='022 %uwash           % \chardef\ui='032 %uwash
% \def\Ui{{\accent"24I}} %Old AMS  % %\def\ui{{\accent"24i}} %Old AMS
% \chardef\Kh='110                  % \chardef\kh='150
% \chardef\Ts='103                  % \chardef\ts='143
% \chardef\Ch='121                  % \chardef\ch='161
% \chardef\Sh='130                  % \chardef\sh='170
% \chardef\Shch='127                % \chardef\shch='167
% \chardef\cDprime='137             % \chardef\cdprime='177
% \chardef\cPrime='136              % \chardef\cprime='176
% \chardef\Ee='003                  % \chardef\ee='013
% \chardef\Yu='020                  % \chardef\yu='030
% \chardef\Ya='027                  % \chardef\ya='037
% \chardef\Yo='023 %start uwash only% \chardef\yo='033
% \chardef\Izhitsa='024             % \chardef\izhitsa='034
% \chardef\Fita='025                % \chardef\fita='035
% \chardef\Yat='043                 % \chardef\yat='053 %end uwash only

%%% cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is Russian.sty adapted to babel.sty (version 1)
% with features from various other styles
%   Werenfried Spit   may 1990
\def\filedate{30 may 1990}
    \expandafter\ifx\csname @ifundefined\endcsname\relax

\ifcat/@ \makeatletter\let\resetat\makeatother

\typeout{Style option `Russian' version \fileversion\space<\filedate>}
\@ifundefined{selectlanguage}{\input babel.sty\relax}{\relax}
\input cyrillic.sty

  {\ja}nvar\ja\or fevral\ja\or marta\or aprel\ja\or ma\ja\or i{\ju}n\ja\or i{\ju}l\ja\or
  avgusta\or sent{\ja}br\ja\or okt{\ja}br\ja\or no{\ja}br\ja\or dekabr\ja\fi
  \space \number\year~goda}}

\gdef\chaptername{Glava }%
\gdef\appendixname{Prilo{\z}enie }%
\gdef\listfigurename{Pere{\cz}en{\mz} risunkov}%
\gdef\listtablename{Pere{\cz}en{\mz} tablic}%
\gdef\figurename{Risunok}% ili Ris.
\gdef\tablename{Tablica}% ili Tabl.
\gdef\headtoname{K}}                 %???
% More stuff that should have been in these macros but is not:
% Abbreviations     {\cyr Sokra{\shch}eni{\ya} }
% Acknowledgements  {\cyr Blagodarnosti }
% Algorithm         {\cyr Algoritm }
% Answers           {\cyr Otvety }
% Chart             {\cyr Diagramma }
% Conclusion        {\cyr Zakl{\yu}{\ch}enie }
% Conjecture        {\cyr Predpolo{\zh}enie }
% Corollary         {\cyr Sledstvie }
% Dedication        {\cyr Posv{\ya}{\shch}enie }
% Definition        {\cyr Opredelenie }
% Drawing           {\cyr {\Ch}erte{\zh}, {\Ch}ert. }
% Errata            {\cyr Popravki }
% Example           {\cyr Primer }
% Exercise          {\cyr Upra{\zh}nenie }
% Exhibit           {\cyr Eksponat }
% Flowchart         {\cyr Blok-s{\kh}ema }
% Footnote          {\cyr Snoska }
% From:             {\cyr Ot: }
% Glossary          {\cyr Slovar{\cprime} }
% Hypothesis        {\cyr Gipoteza }
% Introduction      {\cyr Vvedenie }
% Legend            {\cyr Legenda }
% Lemma             {\cyr Lemma }
% List of Drawings  {\cyr Pere{\ch}en{\cprime} {\ch}erte{\zh}e{\ui} }
% List of Maps      {\cyr Pere{\ch}en{\cprime} kart }
% List of Symbols   {\cyr Spisok obozna{\ch}eni{\ui} }
% Map               {\cyr Karta }
% Name Index        {\cyr Imenno{\ui} ukazatel{\cprime} }
% Notes             {\cyr Prime{\ch}ani{\ya} }
% Plate             {\cyr Vkle{\ui}ka }
% Preface           {\cyr Predislovie }
% Problem           {\cyr Zada{\ch}a }
% Program Listing   {\cyr Raspe{\ch}atka }
% Proof             {\cyr Dokazatel{\cprime}stvo }
% Proposition       {\cyr Predlo{\zh}enie }
% Quotation         {\cyr {\Ts}itata }
% Remark            {\cyr Zame{\ch}anie }
% Sheet             {\cyr List }
% Solution          {\cyr Re{\sh}enie }
% Subject Index     {\cyr Predmetny{\ui} uk{\ya}zatel{\cprime} }
% Summary           {\cyr Rez{\yu}me }
% Supplement        {\cyr Dopolnenie }
% Theorem           {\cyr Teorema }
% Volume            {\cyr Tom }

\begingroup \catcode`\"\active
\expandafter\ifx\csname @sanitize\endcsname\relax \else
\gdef\allowhyphens{\penalty\@M \hskip\z@skip}
    \dimen\z@\ht\z@ \advance\dimen\z@ -\ht\tw@
    \setbox\z@\hbox{\lower\dimen\z@ \box\z@}\ht\z@\ht\tw@ \dp\z@\dp\tw@}
\gdef\@dlqq{{\ifhmode \edef\@SF{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\else
  \let\@SF\empty \fi \leavevmode
\gdef\@drqq{{\ifhmode \edef\@SF{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\else
  \let\@SF\empty \fi ''\@SF\relax}}
\begingroup \catcode`\"12
\gdef\@frqq{\ifhmode \edef\@SF{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\else
     \let\@SF\empty \fi
     \ifmmode \gg \else \leavevmode
     \raise .2ex \hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle \gg $}\fi \@SF\relax}
\gdef\@flq{\ifhmode \edef\@SF{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\else
     \let\@SF\empty \fi
     \ifmmode < \else \leavevmode
     \raise .2ex \hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle < $}\fi \@SF\relax}
\gdef\@frq{\ifhmode \edef\@SF{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\else
     \let\@SF\empty \fi
     \ifmmode > \else \leavevmode
     \raise .2ex \hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle > $}\fi \@SF\relax}
\def\@umlaut#1{\allowhyphens\discretionary{-}{#1}{\accent127 #1}\allowhyphens}
\else \@umlaut{#1}\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
\@ifundefined{l@russian}{\global\advance\n@lang by 1

%%% cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%