KATAN@CGRVAX.UWaterloo.CA ("Kim A. Tan") (04/10/91)
I have a question related to DVIPS V5.4 (Tomas Rokicki), and LaTeX. In DVIPS V5.4 package, it includes the times.sty file to replace the CM fonts with Postscript Times-Roman. Since I am not a PostScript expert, I would like to get some help from whom are the expert of PostScript. I have no problem to setup the psfonts mapping (psfonts.map) file for Times-Roman, Time-Italic, Times-Oblique, and Times-Bold substitution. But, I do not know how to tell the PostScript printer to use the Times-Roman-Small-Caps font. Is this possible? If not, I am going to use the original CMRSC font for small-caps. Thank you in advance with your help. --Kim, KATan@CGRVAX.UWaterloo.CA