[comp.text.tex] DrawTeX for Atari-ST, English version?

longj@lonex.radc.af.mil (Jeffrey K. Long) (04/10/91)

I have been LaTeX'ing on my ST for about 3 years now, and have always
dreamed of an ST program similar to Fig for Suns!  But such a beast I have
never seen, up till now!

I just downloaded from forwiss.uni-passau.de in the /pub/atari/tex directory
a great looking file called texdraw.lzh.  I unlharced it, and found that
the majority of the document and program is in German.

BUT DOES THIS PROGRAM LOOK GREAT!!  Do any of our bi-lingual net readers
know if there are any plans for an English version of this program??
I only know that if such a beast exists, or is in the planning stage, many
of us ST/LaTeX freaks would love it!!    Anyone willing to check on this??
How about just an english version of the .rsc file??

Heck, this thing is so impressive, I may learn to read German just to use
it!  I'm talking one very slickly done piece of graphics/TeX tool here!

Capt Jeff Long                         Rome Air Development Center
longj@lonex.radc.af.mil                Network Design Laboratory
jlong@cassiopeia.radc.af.mil           (315)330-7751 or (DSN)587-7751