[comp.text.tex] Figures which do *not* span a full page

boogaard@fys.ruu.nl (Martin vdBoogaard) (04/11/91)

I'd like to be able to create figures like this:

|  text...............................  |
|  ...................................  |
|  /--------------\   ................  |
|  |              |   ................  |
|  |    figure    |   ................  |
|  |              |   ................  |
|  \--------------/   ................  |
|  ...................................  |
|  ...................................  |
|  ...................................  |

I wouldn't mind such a figure floating to the top or bottom of the page.
The essential thing is the continuation of the text beside the figure.
Is there any ftpable style file to accomplish this? Please email; I will
post a summary if results justify this.

Martin J. van den Boogaard         | Dept. of Atomic & Interface Physics
                                   | Debye Institute--Utrecht University
boogaard@fys.ruu.nl                | P.O. Box 80.000, NL-3508 TA Utrecht
boogaard@hutruu51.bitnet           | the Netherlands, +31 30 532904