[net.space] Discovery -- June 4 launch???

elias@tesla.UUCP (Steve Elias) (03/22/84)

Could someone post the status of the june 4 launch??????????????

ks@astrovax.UUCP (Karl Stapelfeldt) (03/25/84)

     As can be gleaned from reading the past few issues of Aviation Week &
Space Technology, the first launch of the Discovery (41-D) has been put off
until June 19.  The reason for this is given as damage to the Challenger's
left OMS pod thermal insulation during the re-entry of STS-10 (41-B), which
required substituting one of the Discovery's in order to launch STS-11 (41-C)
this April 6.  Some APU cannibalism on the Discovery was also made; a main
engine as well.  June 19 is described as a "soft" launch date, meaning a launch
could be made earlier.  However, NASA will not need to speed this launch along
because of DOD's cancellation of their (previuously scheduled) July 14 flight.
Anyhow, June 4 seems to be out.  Stay tuned to Av Week (available at many
libraries) for the latest.