[comp.text.tex] Want Tiny Labels in foot of page in SliTeX

jmn@power.berkeley.edu (J. Mark Noworolski) (04/23/91)

I would like to figure out a way to insert text at the bottom of a slide.
This text would be in a very very tiny font (relative to slitex fonts).  It
would be mainly used to identify the date and project name and who made the
slides (usually this would be identical on each slide, possibly positioned
right beside the (optional) page number). Then when we look at old copies of
viewgraphs it's easy to identify which project and era they're from.

I have hunted through the LaTeX book, and couldn't even figure out how
to do it in LaTeX, let alone SliTeX.

I know there MUST be a simple way......
Any takers?

"There's a really fine line between clever and stupid"
				Nigel- Lead Guitar (Spinal Tap)
jmn@united.berkeley.edu, or jmn@power.berkeley.edu