[comp.text.tex] Answers: SliTeX: Binding Box | tiny lables || LaTeX, PS over lay

xiaofei@acsu.buffalo.edu (Xiaofei Wang) (04/24/91)

After I posted that using a postscript box to do the SliTeX binding box,
a user asked me how. So I decided to work out a sample file.

It uses Tom Rokicki's dvips' bop-hook feature so that the binding
box will appear automatically on every page. Tom's dvips works on unix,
msdos and vms and ftp'able [see Bobby/Raymond's monthly postings.]

To change the line width, style, etc. is a problem of postscript.
Users may consult with Adobe's ``Red'', ``Blue'' books. Note that the
red book has 2nd edition. The ISBN numbers are: 
0-201-18127-4 (New ``red'' book, it is actually 80% white 20% red)
0-201-10179-3 (blue book)

The sample file also provides answers for printing tiny lables
on SliTeX and PS and LaTeX/Plain TeX overlay problems. Just change the
box to <whatever you need, be it ``tiny label'' or ``DRAFT''>. 

%% begin sample file %%
% The sample file is tested with emTeX, Tom's dvips, and ghostscript 
% [msdos version].


\special{!userdict begin /bop-hook{
10 10 moveto 570 0 rlineto 0 750 rlineto -570 0 rlineto 0 -750 rlineto
stroke }def end}

% why the following doesn't work: my mistake? dvips bug? ghostscript bug?
% 10 10 moveto /x 570 def /y 750 def
% x 0 rlineto y 750 rlineto x neg 0 rlineto 0 y neg rlineto

The Kangding Love Song [Translation: Scott-Horne@cs.yale.edu]
Kang1-Ding4 Qing2-Ge1 [Chinese]


Pao3 ma3 liu1-liu1-di shan1-shang, yi4-duo1 liu1-liu1-di yun1 yo,
Duan1-duan1 liu1-liu1-di zhao4 zai4, Kang1-ding4 liu1-liu1-di cheng2 yo.
Yuer4 wan1-wan1, Kang1-ding4 liu1-liu1-di cheng2 yo.

A running horse, slipping and sliding on the mountain, a single cloud
Shines directly upon the Kangding city wall.
The moon a crescent, it shines directly upon the Kangding city wall.


Li3-jia1 liu1-liu1-di da4-jie3, ren2-cai2 liu1-liu1-di hao3 yo,
Zhang1-jia1 liu1-liu1-di da4-ge1, kan4-shang liu1-liu1-di ta1 yo.
Yuer4 wan1-wan1, kan4-shang liu1-liu1-di ta1 yo.

The Li3 family's eldest daughter had fine talents;
The Zhang1 family's eldest son took a fancy to her.
The moon a crescent, he took a fancy to her.


Yi4-lai2 liu1-liu1-di kan4-shang, ren2-cai2 liu1-liu1-di hao3 yo,
Er4-laii2 liu1-liu1-di kan4-shang, hui4 dang1 liu1-liu1-di jia1 yo.
Yuer4 wan1-wan1, hui4 dang1 liu1-liu1-di jia1 yo.

The first thing he noticed is that her talents were fine;
The second thing he noticed is that she could run a household.
The moon a crescent, she could run a household.


Shi4-jian1 liu1-liu1-di nyu3-zi, ren4 ni3 liu1-liu1-di qiu2 yo,
Shi4-jian1 liu1-liu1-di nan2-zi, ren4 ni3 liu1-liu1-di ai4 yo.
Yuer4 wan1-wan1, ren4 ni3 liu1-liu1-di ai4 yo.

The girls of the world are there for you to pursue;
The boys of the world are there for you to love.
The moon a crescent, they're there for you to love.

xiaofei@acsu.buffalo.edu / rutgers!ub!xiaofei / v118raqa@ubvms.bitnet