(j chapman flack) (04/30/91)
>P.S. Anyone have a nonsexist way to say "man-months" which sounds >better than "person-months"? (e.g. "manpower" can be replaced with >"personnel" without sounding clumsy). My favorite so far is effort-months. In general, whenever I see something changed to /.*person.*/ I think it would make more sense to use a word that describes what the person *does*, e.g, instead of mailperson, how about letter carrier, or server instead of waitperson. (Or why not waiter? Painters paint, builders build, drivers drive, so waiters wait. And actors act. Just ditch waitress and actress & co.) Sorry if this is a frequent topic (I've been off the net for five years). I'm interested in other people's ideas... -- Chap Flack Their tanks will rust. Our songs will last. -Mikos Theodorakis Nothing I say represents Appropriate Roles for Technology unless I say it does.